I quietly closed the door and started rummaging through every drawer and cabinet until I came across for the medicine required to cure the disease.

When I found it there was only one bottle with seven pills. Enough for everyone in the group.

Quietly I closed the cabinets and drawers I had opened and made my way to the door.

When I opened it and stepped out of the medical room a voice asked, "What were you doing in there?"

I jumped, startled, and whipped my head around to see one of La Reina's men standing a few feet away from me, his gun tucked underneath his arm.

"Oh I'm there?" I questioned as I pointed to the room I had just came out of. "Oh yeah um Doc, sent me to get aspirin for the patients. You know they keep complaining about headaches and everything and honestly it gets quite annoying after a while."

What? Its the best excuse I could come up with.

"Did La Reina give you pre mission to enter the medical room?" He asked as he raised his gun a little, not believing my cover story.

"Well I thought since Doc is like the new leader and everything I didn't need to ask for her permission. He is the closest thing to a doctor here now and I think he knows what he's doing." I quickly explained.

"Are you talking back to me?" The man asked as he gripped his gun tighter and took a step towards me.

"No I'm just staring the facts." I replied.

He stared me down for a second before saying, "You're coming with me."

He grabbed my arm harshly and started dragging me away.

I quickly slid my hand down my leg and pulled my knife out of the strap around my calf.

I raised the knife and stabbed it into the guys neck.

He dropped his weapon and and gripped his neck with both hands to try and stop the bleeding but it was too late.

He let out a strangled choke as he fell to the floor.

I quickly kicked up the pills which I had dropped and ran out of the building.

I ran into the tent where the group was and eyed Warren who was talking with Doc.

Back To You [A 10k Fanfiction] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now