"hi sissy" Chase said he said while giving you a side hug

"hi Ness" Thomas said I said hi back we all talked for a bit.

"ok so I have a question"

"ok what is it" Thomas asked

"so... I went to see Calvin and Patty, and asked if I could use their paintball gun, and they said you took it so I had to ask you, so can I use it please" I said

"sure but ask Josh first" I sighed and pulled out my phone and FaceTimed Josh.


whatever this is-Nessa


hi bubba

hi babe what you doing?

filming a YouTube vid. why are you ok?

yes I'm good babe I just had a question.

ok shoot

ok so I wanted to use Patty and Calvin's Paintball gun, they said Thomas took it away and said I had to ask him, then Thomas said I had to ask you.

why d'you need to use their paintball gun?

so then I can shoot Alex because he stole you, and I'm still mad at him

ok sure I'm fine with. you just better not sneak into Sway and shoot me. by all means come shoot Bryce tho.

we laughed

"what about us, please tell her not to shoot me" Chase said

no shooting Thomas or Chase either ok

kay kay bye bub love you

bye Ness ily too


Thomas got the paintball gun, and filled it with paintballs. Alex and  Kouvr's balcony door was open, and Alex was sitting at his desk editing a YouTube vid. Thomas was recording for his YouTube channel. I shot Alex in the back with the paintball.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" he yelled. Kouvr came in and started laughing because he had a big spot of yellow/green paint in the middle of his hoodie.

"thats what you get for stealing Josh" I said while laughing

The rest of the night consisted of  making TikToks, and goofing around. Me, Calvin, and Patty even baked cupcakes. It was about 2 am, Calvin and Patrick were in my room (the guest room) being stupid.

"you know I love you both but can you PLEASE go I'm tired" I said

"nope" Calvin said

"It's our duty to protect you" Patrick said. Patrick and Calvin started marching around the room like soldiers, and kept on walking into each other. I FaceTimed Josh hopefully he would get them to leave or let alone let me sleep.  At this point I was crying from all the laughing


whatever this is-Nessa


hi baby, why are you crying? do I gotta beat someone up?

I laughed.

hi babe and I'm ok it's just these two dummies won't let me sleep and I'm tiredddddddddd!

were only here because 1) we missed our best friend who we hadn't seen in two freaking months. 2) we were told to make sure nothing bad happens to her, and 3) we have no one else to drive crazy because everyone else locked their doors. said Patrick


yeah only so we could make sure you were safe. said Patrick

Calvin Patrick you 2 go to your own room and leave Nessa be till the morning. OK?

fine. Calvin and Patrick said together.

ok I'm gonna let you sleep goodnight babe love you

night love you too

goodnight Patrick, night Calvin.

night they both said together.

                                                                         END OF PHONE CALL

Calvin and Patrick FINALLY left, it was about 2:30 am and then I fell asleep.

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