"Will you take me back, even after leaving you?" The younger's lips quivered.


His infamous bunny smile spread across from cheek to cheek, a light blush on his face and dry tear streaks showing.

The older smiled at his reaction and went in for another kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

The two just admired each other for a moment. How could they not?

"Now," Taehyung stood up, helping Jungkook as well, "Where shall I take my pretty princess?"

Jungkook giggled at the nickname. "Well, I'm craving some ice cream right now."

"Then there we shall go!"

Taehyung picked up Jungkook bridal style and ran across the street where a nearby plaza was. Jungkook's giggles could be heard by strangers as the reunited couple ran past them.

Soon, they arrived at the parlor, Taehyung setting Jungkook down on a chair before deciding he belonged on his lap instead.

A young boy with braces and an adorable smile came to serve them, the tag 'I.N' on his pastel blue uniform.
(A/N: I miss Jeongin's braces 🥺)

"Welcome to Milky's! What would you two cuties like today?"

"I'll have your classic sundae, please." Jungkook responded with a smile.

"And you, sir?" The server turned his gaze to Taehyung.

Said man was too busy to hear him as he was admiring his boyfriend's features.

His doe eyes that sparkled like a million galaxies were embedded in them, his cherry red thin lips that were so soft and let out the most gorgeous sounds, his adorably big nose that scrunched oh so cutely when he smiled, his pearly white teeth that resembled a bunny's, his puffy cheeks that held two small dimples in their place.

He was so perfect.

"Hello? Taehyung?"

His cheeks turned red, realizing he's been out of it for so long. "Uh, yeah- I'll have a banana split, please."

"Okay. I'll have those out shortly."

Jungkook hummed as he laid his head against Taehyung's chest. He felt so much more happy than when he was stuck with Yugyeom. What was he thinking?


"Yes, angel?"

"I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"  Taehyung sat Jungkook up on his lap.

"You know, I was only using Yugyeom to make you jealous.."

Taehyung let out a puff of air, "Well, it worked." He giggled and pinched Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook suddenly gasped, "Speaking of Yugyeom, I should probably check on Hiroto."

"Hiroto? Isn't he your cousin?"

"Yeah. I asked him if he could pretend to be me so I could come meet you without suspicion from Yugyeom."

"Why are you worried about Yugyeom being suspicious?"

Jungkook pushed a strand of hair out of the way, "He's been..obsessive. He won't even let me go out with Jimin. I'm basically stuck in that house. He doesn't live with me but he always stays over and watches me to make sure I don't go out."

"Eesh, the man has problems." Taehyung grimaces. "He didn't do anything to you, right?"

Jungkook crossed his arms.

"He would always touch my ass when we're in the apartment. I only gave him permission to do that if we saw you in public to make you jealous. Then, he started to touch me in private, it was too much for me, I had to get physical so he would listen." Jungkook shook his head, remembering all the times he was harassed.

"That fucking bastard." Taehyung lowly growled, his ears getting red.

He was getting angry at the thought of his boyfriend getting touched everywhere. He should be the one doing that, not some damn desperate sicko.

His grip he had on Jungkook was subconsciously getting tighter. He stopped and came back to his senses once he heard Jungkook wince.


Jungkook shook his head before looking at his phone and telling Taehyung they had to go.


"Yugyeom's coming here." Jungkook hurriedly got off Taehyung's lap. "I think I'll leave my phone here so he doesn't know I left."

Jungkook walked up to I.N and tapped his shoulder. "Would you mind hiding this for a few days?" He hands him his phone. I.N looked at him skeptically.

"Don't worry, it's mine. I just need it hidden for a bit." Jungkook reassured.

The server bit his lip nervously before slowly taking the phone from Jungkook.

"Would you still like your ice cream? You seem in a rush to get somewhere." I.N asked, putting the phone in his uniform where it won't peek out.

"No, thank you." Jungkook took out the cash he needed to pay for them and handed it to I.N. "You can have them and share with the others."

I.N took the cash before smiling at Jungkook. "Thank you, sir. I'll make sure to take good care of your phone while you're gone. Have a nice day!"

"You too."

Jungkook speed-walked to Taehyung who was patiently waiting for him by the door.

"Ready?" Taehyung got off the window he was leaning on.

"Yeah, let's go."

Taehyung opened the door for Jungkook and made him hop on his back to save time, quickly running to his car.

Wasn't I just at 6K? What happened 🥺
THANK YOU SM IF YOURE READING THIS! I'm happy y'all are enjoying this book even though my updates are slow :(

Also- I think I'm going to put SEXERCISE on hold 😔
Just so I could focus on finishing this book and starting the rest of SUGAR SUGAR, okay?

I can't wait for the future ahead 😎
And I'll see you beautiful people in it :)
Muah, love you! 💋 <3

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