Party all fright

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Welcome back, I thought that since it's just me and you guys that I can give you a tour of my room. Just so that you can understand what I deal with every night. Here's the before image 

 Here's the before image 

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Awful am I right, now that's just the part where I have to keep my stuff and where I " hang out" Now here's the after image, p.s the stairs in the picture lead up to what your about to see.

s the stairs in the picture lead up to what your about to see

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Your probably thinking" how can a house like this

Your probably thinking" how can a house like this

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have a room like that. Our grass draws everyones attention, you wonder why( i'm being sarcastic) Well the party is in a couple of hours and I have to finish mopping the floors and preparing the feast, and decorating.

 Also, remember my evil twin sisters yeah well I have to make and prep their gowns for the party. I just wish that I could just dissapear into a new world where I can be anything I want and free from doing chores and being the family maid around here.

 ( mirror lights up) whoa!, did you see that. Who am I kidding it's probably just the sun reflecting onto my mirror. Let's go before this gets weird-er. 

Oww, ouch, ahh!! Ugh, " Could you be any more harder or do you just like to poke me with the needle. " Yeah, Mylas right Shelby we can't go to the party with blood on our dresses that were a lot of work waiting for." 

" Imagine being the one doing everything Myla while all your doing is moving around and complaining. ( Mia giggles) " Mia you can't laugh at anything because your were complaing and running around before I even got to the dress!! 

There they're done so what do you think about them. I'll have to give it a closer look. 

(Mylas dress) ( She said that it had to be blue btw)

(Mylas dress) ( She said that it had to be blue btw)

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(Mia's dress) ( she said that it had to be rose gold and pink)

(Mia's dress) ( she said that it had to be rose gold and pink)

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So what do y 'al think. " I guess that it'll have to do for now. " " I guess that the pink does bring out how amazing I am. " Well were off to the party,  and don't forget, mother says that if she doesn't see you downstairs in three minutes then you won't be getting paid this week. " Okay I'll be there in 2 minutes." So I guess that you can say that when it comes to anything really but especially clothing,  the twins are really hard to please." ( weird sound again coming from mirror) 

Hey there's that sound again, okay it's not even that sunny and my blinds are closed. Something really weird is going on and it's not just the trick of the light.

 " SHELBY!! Oh no I forgot about my stepmom oh btw I probably should've mentioned that her name is Marri'e and she's my diva stepmom. 

Anyway, Marri'e needs me and I have less than a minute to get downstairs. So I better hurry but y' al are coming too so don't worry. The party is just starting and not my story I mean the real party. 

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