'Do I get my point across?' She stated coldly. 'UA is trying their best. Stop attempting to be a know it all and judge the school like you know any better.'


'Okay, this is the spot the tracker is broadcasting from.'

'So that's their hideout?' Kirishima grumbled. 'Not a bad one, I guess.' He admitted grudgingly. 'Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.' Momo replied, surveying the deserted alley. 'According to the tracking history, the villain hasn't left this location for the past day, but that's all we know. One villain is hiding here, but that could be it. They could have Bakugo somewhere else. We're going into this operation blind for the most part. Please try to proceed logically.'

'I don't like this.' Iida complained, standing as stiff as a board. 'None of us are good at sneaking around. We need Hagakure or Jiro here. If I think things are going to be the least bit dangerous, we're done. I won't hesitate to call the police either to make sure my friends are safe.'

'Thank you, Iida.' Izuku sighed. 'So what can we do with what's in front of us? Let me see here...' He began another one of his muttering sessions.

Y/N frowned. 'Are there pipes?'

'Have you lost your mind, Y/N?' Kirishima questioned. 'No.' The brunette snapped. 'You forget what I can do, Eijiro. Pipes can help me determine as of whether Bakugo is here. Personally, I think not. But I could be wrong. Let's sneak closer first.'

'Hey, cute little chicks! Come drink with us, ditch these losers!' Two very drunk men came up to the two females of the group, Y/N and Momo. 'Yuck.' Y/N scrunched her nose. 'No thank you, I only drink wine.' She made a big show of sticking her nose in the air. 'Let's get out of here.' Shoto grumbled as soon as the two hooligans left.

'It's not crowded, but there are people around.' Shoto crossed his arms, leaning against the wall as he spoke. 'We can't draw attention to ourselves.' Momo agreed. 'So what's our next move?' She questioned. 'Let's go round the back. It's the best way we can get any intel on this place.' Izuku suggested.

And so, that's what they decided to do, squeezing themselves through impossibly narrow alleys. 'This is so narrow.' Momo lamented as she followed the group. 'I might get stuck.' 'Just keep moving, we have to figure out what's going on inside.' Izuku instructed, shuffling along the two walls. 'No one will see us from back here.' 'This dress is way too fat!' Y/N chimed in, pulling at the frills. 'This is why I never wear dresses.' She added under her breath.

'Wait!' The brunette suddenly gasped. 'There's a window up there.'

'We'll be blind in the darkness.' Shoto pointed out, giving Momo an idea. 'One second. I'll make a night vision scope.' 'Wait.' Kirishima interrupted. 'No need. I actually brought one along with me for this. When I thought about what we had to do, I figured that we might need it.' 'Sure, but aren't those models super expensive?' Izuku quizzed, cocking his head. 'I did some research on them when I was designing my costume but... they cost like fifty thousand or something, right?'

'Whatever man, just drop it.'

'Right.' Shoto butted in. 'Then Kirishima will serve as our scout. Back him up, Midoriya.'

'Hold on a sec.' Y/N frowned in concentration as she stood on Momo's shoulders and put her hand to one of the dusty pipes. 'Katsuki's not here.' She finished, tone serious. 'Instead...' The girl's eyes widened in fear. 'There's a bunch of... Nomus?'

'What are you talking about?' Kirishima growled, looking through his scope. Suddenly, he jerked back. 'She's right.' 'What?' Izuku asked, grabbing the scope from the redhead and peeking in. He, too, reeled back in shock.

Suddenly, a truck rose up in the air. The six teenagers squeaked in shock. 'Is that... Mt Lady?'

The heroine stepped on the Nomu factory, destroying every single one of them. 'Whoa!' The group screamed, holding on to the edge of the wall to prevent themselves from getting blown away by the wind that was generated.

'Are you guys okay?' Y/N groaned as she helped her classmates up. 'The building just came down.' She explained, slipping out of the shredded dress. Her doughnut bun had come loose, and her hair now framed her face in a frazzled mess. 'Gang Orca and Mt Lady. Wow, even Best Jeanist is here!' Kirishima observed as he climbed up the wall, which was fortunately stable and undamaged. 'And Mr Tiger too!' Momo cried, joining Kirishima.

'Ugh!' Mt Lady complained. 'Are these gross dudes really alive? I thought we'd be in for a fight but this was super easy. Maybe we should've left this to the police and gone with All Might.' 'Difficulty and importance are two very different things, rookie.' Best Jeanist replied, holding several Nomus captive with his denim threads. 'Riot squad, get the transports ready.' He ordered. 'There could be more of them, be on your guard.'

'Come on, Ragdoll! Wake up for me!' Tiger beseeched his unconscious teammate lying in his arms. 'Is that your teammate?' Gang Orca questioned. 'She's breathing, that's good.' 'Yes, but... look at her! What have they done to you, my friend?'

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