Chapter 1. Cheap Transmigation.

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Cheap Transmigration

Drip! Drop!

Du Xiao Li felt there was something dripping on her own face. She reached out and lightly touched her face, a wet feeling.

Could it be the roof was leaking? In a bit, I’ll go tell management. Du Xiao Li thought, then hazily was about to fall asleep again.

Wrong! She clearly was sent up to heaven by a bomb. How could she still be sleeping on a bed?!

Du Xiao Li opened her eyes and sat up, but then felt dizzy and disoriented, feeling stuffy and nauseous inside. A stream of memories went through her mind. She quickly closed her eyes, waiting for the dizziness to pa.s.s, before slowly opening her eyes again.

‘The heavens didn’t abandon me!’ This was Du Xiao Li’s first thought.

The heavens opened the windows for you, then immediately shut your door! This was Du Xiao Li’s second thought.

The past life’s her was indeed already dead. She’d reincarnated by possessing a seven year old girl’s body that had the same name and surname. This can be considered the second life given to her by the heavens.


The original host was starved to death!

Looking at the scene before her, the corner of Du Xiao Li’s mouth couldn’t help twitching. With only four bare walls for a home? Washed in poverty? These all weren’t enough to describe the current situation she was in!

Where did the door of this house go?

Where did the holes on the mud wall come from?

This pile of straw underneath was the so called bed?

Aside from the ceiling, the dark skies can be directly seen in all the other areas. This is to have the sky as the hut?

The rainwater directly fell into the house, soaking the straw pile below. Just what is this!?

Du Xiao Li rubbed her temples. She’d always believed that her ability to adapt was exceedingly strong, but facing this kind of situation, she still needed some time to take it all in.

She lied down once more and had the memories in her head properly sorted through once. She discovered that she already couldn’t use speechlessness to describe her current mood.

Her current whereabouts was a small mountain village, one among the numerous small mountain villages under Zhou county. And what was above Zhou county, she didn’t know, because this body’s original owner has never left this small mountain village before. But she knew that the country they belonged to was called Feng Ming[1].

“Feng Ming? Was there such a country in history? Could it be that the force of the blast from the bomb blew me into a s.p.a.ce-time vortex, and I arrived at a completely nonexistent dynasty?” Du Xiao Li sighed and continued to sort through the memories in her head.

This original host had the same name as her, and had just turned seven a month ago. She has a ten year old older brother, Du Xiu Heng, and they mutually depended on one another for survival. Their father Du Hai, in that year when Du Xiao Li was three, while cutting wood in the backside of the mountain, fell off a cliff to his death. And a month ago, their mother Su Su Xin also pa.s.sed away due to illness.

When Du Hai was younger, he’d once gone to the city to work before, but he didn’t earn much money. After returning to the countryside, he relied on planting crops to survive. The family’s financial situation wasn’t well at all. After Du Hai died, the family practically lost their source of income, completely relying on selling some of their mother’s needlework in the city, and get some copper coins in exchange to get by the days. Afterwards, their mother became ill, and all the money in the family was spent. Things that could be sold were all sold. Then, left with no other option, Du Xiu Heng went and borrowed money from the villagers for their mother to see a doctor. Because of this, they owed quite a lot of people money.