*10 minutes later*
Natalya had Ruby on the apron. When she charged to eliminate the leader of the Riott Squad Liv pushed Ruby aside and took the hit and went flying outside, hitting the edge of the announcers table.

- Crowd: OOHH
- Renee: Ohmygod!!

- Everyone: Ouch! - a lot of them cringed seeing the spot again
- Ricochet: She just sacrificed herself?
- Joe: Damn
- Johnny: That hurt. She's one tough motherfucka
- Dante: You said it.

Liv walked backstage, a little sore but satisfied with her job. Dante received her and spun her in the air
- Dante: You sure stole the show now
- Liv: *giggles* I know it was so much fun! It was awesome I want to do it again!
- Dante: You certainly impressed us all. The guys were in shock.
- Liv: Really? - she couldn't help smiling
- Dante: *giggles* Yeah! You had everyone in awe. Wanna join?
- Liv: Sure! Let's get going!

They watched as Becky Lynch won the Women's rumble, taking Lana's place. Also they saw Daniel Bryan beat AJ Styles with Rowan interference, as well as Ronda defeating Sasha for the Raw women's Championship. But midway through Finn vs Brock Lesnar Dante just left
- Liv: Where you going?
- Dante: Taking a shit!
- Liv: *chuckles* gross!

Dante went to the locker room and changed into his ring gear as quickly as he could and went straight to the Gorilla.

A/N: It has Ward written in the back

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A/N: It has Ward written in the back

*10 minutes later*- Triple H: You ready kid? It's almost time

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*10 minutes later*
- Triple H: You ready kid? It's almost time.
- Dante: As ready as I can be, let's do this!
Dante watched as Elias made his entrance. He considered interrupting him but decided against it "that's been seen already" he thought. Instead, he waited for Elias to finish playing.

*In the ring*
- Elias: Thank you! - he left his guitar in the ringside
There were a few seconds of nothing, hyping up entrant number 2

- Michael Cole: Who's it gonna be?

The crowd went wild for the surprise return. Dante ran in the stage and swung a fist a la Sami Zayn hyping up the crowd. He then did the Christian visor with his hand, all this while he was still on the ramp. He then walked to the ring, took a second to appreciate the gigantic crowd that was there before jumping to the apron, climbing to the top turnbuckle and hyping the crowd again, this time taking his Razorbacks jersey off and throwing it to the crowd
- Dante: Come on!

Most of the girls were watching Elias concert when he finished.
- Bayley: Who's next? - she was visibly hyped
- Becky: C'mon lad hit the music
Then Dante music hit
- Everyone: Ohhhh!!! - all eyes turned to Liv.
- Liv: No way!
- Ruby: You didn't know?
- Liv: Nope
- Sarah: He didn't tell you?
- Liv: He's so dead - she said with a smirk in her face
- Naomi: Girl you better make him know

*Back in the ring*
Dante and Elias locked up, with Elias getting the upper hand with a headlock, that was quickly countered by a leg sweep, sending Elias to the mat. Dante faked a running Shooting Star Press, but landed on his feet and taunted Elias by shimming. The drifter got up but got in the receiving end of a quick series of two forearms, a spinning elbow, a kick to the leg and an enzuguri to end the sequence, followed by Dante doing a keep up and smugly turning around

- Mandy: Damn he's good
- Liv: Pfft, showoff - she caused everyone else to laugh
- Everyone: 5!4!3!2!1!

*In the ring*
Shinsuke Nakamura entered the ring and quickly went after Dante, and initially got the best of him, until he tried to hit a punt kick in the corner, which Dante countered by standing on his hands, and when Shinsuke tried to push him out, he got his legs around Nakamura's neck and sent him flying with a hurracanrana followed by taunting the King of Strong Style to attack him, but it was a trap. He caught him in a beautiful Fisherman suplex + roll through + impalor DDT combo, causing the crowd to cheer.

*25 minutes later*
Dante already has two eliminations. Elias and Dean Ambrose. But now he was hanging for dear life to avoid elimination. Drew Claymored him to the outside, but Dante managed to cling to the barricade John Morrison style, walk on the barricade and jump back to the ring, grabbing the ring post to avoid falling out.
- Renee: Wow!
- Mauro: It's like a spider monkey!

- Everyone: Wow!
- Liv: Let's go babe!
- Ruby: Where have I seen that before? - she glanced at her
- Liv: I'm not the only one learning things ya know?

*30 minutes later*
- Crowd: 5!4!3!2!1!

Lashley ran in but was immediately eliminated by Dante. However, Lashley went back up to the apron and tried dragging Dante out of the ring, but he fought back and took Lashley out. However, the damage was already done, because Joe came running and eliminated Dante after 50 minutes in the ring. Lashley took the opportunity and speared Dante before leaving.

*3 minutes later*
Dante went backstage where he was met by Hunter.
- Triple H: Great job kid, you made yourself a star there - he pulled Dante for a hug.
- Dante: Thanks Hunter. Everything hurts
- Hunter: *chuckles* I can relate to that. Go clean yourself up. Keep your head up you've got a lot to be proud of.

Dante left the Gorilla and met Liv, leaning on the wall with her arms crossed
- Liv: How. Could. You. Not. Tell. Me! - she accompanied every word with a playful punch in his arm
- Dante: *chuckles* Surprise? - he tried to hug her
- Liv: No! - she pouted
- Dante: Aww look who's mad....
- Liv: Shut up! - she said on a childish tone
- Dante: So that's how things are gonna be huh? - he lifted her by the waist
- Liv: *laughing* put me down!
- Dante: You promise you forgive me?
- Liv: No!
- Dante: Pretty please?
- Liv: Mayyybeeee
He put her down
- Dante: Pretty please? - he did his best puppy eyes
- Liv: *giggles* I can't stay mad at you - she planted a kiss on his cheek.
- Dante: That's better. Wanna go to the hotel?
- Liv: Can we stop for pizza please? - now she did actually good puppy eyes
- Dante: You know I can't with that face. Let's get going.
- Liv: I suggest you shower.
- Dante: You saying I stink?
- Liv: It's not like you don't
- Dante: Okay, fair enough - he laughed at her quick answer - just wait for me. - he planted a kiss in her forehead before leaving.

*15 minutes later*
- Liv: Finally!
- Dante: Girl it's been 15 minutes!
- Liv: I know I'm just messing with you - she shoved his arm playfully. Dante poked her in the belly. - oh no! - she laughed
- Dante: That's what you get for messing with me - he scoffed and then out his arm around Liv as they walked out to the parking lot.

Liv your life (OC x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now