Chapter 1: The Interview

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"WAKE UP!" My alarm said. I know it's a funny ringtone.

"OMG my interview with Ellen!" I screamed as I remembered. I rushed out of bed to the bathroom as I stripped of my clothes and took a quick shower. I then came out soaking wet, dried myself and for my clothes.... I had no choice since my room is all clothes. Let's say something a little fancy and a little normal just in case I'm not overdressed or underdressed. So I wore this black short dress, with some silver heels and did a bit of makeup such as red pepper lipstick. It was time to leave and I got to my white AUDI. It was a 30 minutes ride and I finally arrived. My eyes met with Ellen. "Finally! Long time no see! How are you feeling about this interview?" Ellen asked.

"Well I'm kind of nervous since I know you'll ask weird questions!" I said as I chuckled. "Well you're not alone, there's a guest with you who's doing the interview too!" Ellen said.

"OMG, who?" I asked relieved a little bit. "The Shakira." Ellen said. "Well then let's go!" I said. Ellen nodded and went with me as she screamed " EVERYBODY WE HAVE TWO SPECIAL GUESTS OVER HERE! MAKE SOME NOISE FOR THE BEAUTIFUL SHAKIRA AND THE BEAUTIFUL ADRIANA LOUISE" I came from the other side as Shakira came from the opposite side. We both hugged a friendly hug and blew kisses to the audience. We took a seat as Ellen started to ask. "Lets begin with Shakira! Shakira, how do you feel when people make fun of you for being 10 years older than your partner Gerard Pique?" Ellen asked "Well, it does not matter much because we all know that age is just a number. If it's meant to be it will be. What matters is that we love eachother." Suddenly applause started filling the room. "Well shakira it won't matter. We all know you're 10 years older than Gerard, but you look 10 years younger." I said as I winked. The 3 of us giggled.  "Adriana, do you by any chance have any relationship with FC Barcelona player Alexis Sanchez?" Ellen asked. Suddenly my smile faded away and got replaced by an emotionless face. "Umm well, when we were young we lived in the same poor town.. and same school. We were very close to eachother. Well we were kind of a thing but he said that he was going to move because he wanted to play football and he promised to visit me. He never visited me, and lets say that everyone went to his own path." I explained. "Oh dear, I assume this wasn't such an easy thing for you or for him."

"Well it wasn't easy for me, but I don't know about him, he probably forgot me." I said as I smiled.

"Shakira, is it true that you were once kicked out of your school choir? " Ellen asked Shakira. "Yes, and the teacher thought that I couldn't sing and sounded like a goat. But my father told me to keep on going and never gave up and it paid off." She said. "Well look where is Shakira now, teacher!" I said as Ellen nodded. "Last question,  Adriana can you please describe Alexis?" Ellen asked. "Well he was really sweet, amazing, and caring. He had to take jobs as a kid to help his parents because they were poor, just like my parents and I as well. But my older brother was the one who took jobs for us. Alexis and I used to do everything together. He used to protect me from people who annoy me. He used to shout at me if I stayed out late out of our house because he said it's not safe." I said and the room was filled with 'AWWWWWWWWW' even Shakira and Ellen did that. "You must be a couple then!" Ellen said as I blushed. Few hours later it was finally time to leave after such a tiring interview. I never thought I'd think of this, but I miss Alexis.....

Picure of Adriana Lima as Adriana Louise.
Happy reading! Enjoy.

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