"Yeah, I'm fine," Emmitt said, grabbing an apple from the basket on the counter.

"Mom says I'm allowed to date someone older than me," Maggie bragged to Emmitt.

"I said by three years. When you are old enough to date, missy," Mrs. Hendrix sighed.

"You're so weird," Emmitt said to Maggie in disgust. "You bugged Gavin last time on the porch and you're still determined to date him? You're ten, remember?"

"I'm allowed to date whoever I want," Maggie shrugged. "Again, you're jealous."

"Jealous of what? Why do you keep saying that?" asked Emmitt.

"I've already explained this. You think I'm stealing your friend away. I know that you want to be his friend, but if I'm dating him, I'll be spending all the time with him. You can't deal with me dating your friend."

"Stop acting like you're twenty," Emmitt snapped. "I'm not jealous, you dip shit-"

"Language!" Mrs. Hendrix scolded, turning around to face her children. "We've been through this. Now, enough. Set the table please, Em."


"Someone get the door," Mr. Hendrix yelled from his spot in the living room. Maggie ran to the front door, screaming, "I'll get it!"

When she opened the door, she saw Ms. Shepard standing there, next to her son, who stood behind her to the left. "Hi, Maggie. It's a pleasure to see you."

"Hi! Welcome on in! Hello, Gavin!" Maggie smiled, waving her hand.

Gavin nodded, looking around the foyer.

Once everyone sat around the table, passing around a bowl of salad, and Mrs. Hendrix had given Ms. Shepard hugs and talked out back with a glass of wine, dinner has finally started. Gavin looked across to see Emmitt, scooping salad on to his plate.

"Thank you guys for inviting us over," smiled Ms. Shepard, scooping salad on to her fork. "I've missed these nights!"

Gavin kept him head low, staying quiet.

"So, Gavin," Maggie piped up. "What do you like to do?"

Mrs. Hendrix looked up, alarmed. Ms. Shepard looked slowly over at her son, waiting.

Gavin looked up. He shook his head. "I like to watch movies."

"Me too!" Maggie said excitedly.  

Ms. Shepard took a sigh of relief, looking back at her food. "What have you guys been up to?"

"Not much," Mr. Hendrix answered, scooping salad on to his fork. "What have we been doing, sweetie?"

"We've been busy with day to day stuff. I've been looking to sign Maggie up for dance lessons. Emmitt's been- Emmitt, you can tell Ms. Shepard what you've been doing."

Emmitt looked up, confused. "Oh, sure. Well, I've been drawing more. I was actually thinking about drawing what you suggested a while back, that dragon? Yeah, I'm doing that. I've been going on bike rides. Normal stuff."

"Oh, I am dying to see that dragon," Ms. Shepard smiled. 

"You play any sports?" Mr. Hendrix suddenly asked, tension building up in the room. He stared over at Gavin, who now hung his head low again.

"No," Gavin said quietly. "No, I don't."

There was silence, until Ms. Shepard said, "He used to play sports when he was really young. We got him into soccer when he was only four."

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