He pulled me into his chest and said, "That's enough we don't need anyone dieing today."

"Yeah give it a rest Murphy I don't blame the kid for wanting to snap your neck." Doc said. "Warren knows where she's going.....you do know where you're going right?"

He turned to Warren who was scanning the map.

"Well we should've hit the town by know." She started. "And for the record, Columbus was lost when he discovered America."

"Yeah well look how that turned out." Murphy said.

He just couldn't help himself.

I tired to jump him but 10k kept his arms locked around my waist so I couldn't go anywhere.

"Hey check this out!" 10k suddenly yelled as he look off into the distance. 

We all turned to see some bunkers.

"Well now being doctor bright side for the moment," Doc began. "Maybe there's something useful inside."

"Yeah I guess we can check it out." Warren said.

We started walking again and headed towards the buildings.

"Oh just like home." Murphy said once we saw a normal set of doors and a garage.

"That's it!" I yelled.

I overpowered 10k lunged towards Murphy which resulted in me tackling him turn the ground.

"I am sick of you acting like your some king who can do whatever the fuck he wants! Who can make jokes and act like he's not scared! Well guess what buddy I can see through your fake act and I know deep down inside that small cold heart of yours your scared and are losing hope just like the rest of us!"

Before I could do some real damage on him Warren pulled me off and and yelled. "That's enough! That's enough!"

10k helped me off the ground and kept his arms around my waist once again.

"Now we are all trying to survive out here and we don't need anybody fighting." She said.

"She's the one who went all Rocky II on me." Murphy snapped.

"You just can't help yourself can you." I said.

"Sorry sweetheart it's a habit." He replied.

As we continued to argue a Z came out of nowhere and started to drag itself towards me and Murphy.

When it was feet away I threw my hand up in front of its face and shouted, "Not now!" 

It turned and started walking the other way.

When we realised what had happened everything fell silent.

"What the hell was that!" Doc exclaimed.

"I have no idea." I said looking down at my hand.

"Guys shhhh." Cassandra suddenly said.

We looked to where she was pointing and saw a large Z that was close by but hadn't spotted us yet.

Back To You [A 10k Fanfiction] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now