Cummy Spider

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Once upon a time there was a young spider named Jeremy. He enjoyed the simple things in life such as wiggling around in his cobweb and consuming the juices of bugs less fortunate than himself. He wore nothing. Jeremy was a free spirit, he had no need for clothing. Being suspended in the corner of the room in nothing but the exoskeleton he was born in brought him great pleasure, as he was an exhibitionist at heart. 

It was a dull Tuesday night in the middle of April, when young Jeremy decided to leave the comfort of his web and explore the bedroom he was freeloading in. He had spent many nights gazing at the sleeping body of his landlord, a human named Brandon, and he had finally decided he wanted to meet him properly. He slowly crawled down the wall and leapt onto Brandon's bed frame. The sexy young man snorted and dribbled in his sleep which only enticed Jeremy to come even closer.

He had finally made it to Brandon's pillow. 

"Whew!" Jeremy whispered, bringing his left front leg up to wipe the sweat from each of his eight eyebrows. He gazed at the gorgeous face in front of him, dreaming about the day when he and Brandon would wed. But suddenly, Brandon's hypnotic eyes snapped open. Jeremy froze in fear, crouched down just in front of Brandons nose.

"Do u fink ur 'ard, mate?" A low, rumbling voice erupted from Brandon's mighty throat. He sat up, looking down at Jeremy with an evil glint in his eye. Jeremy only cowered more, afraid of what Brandon was capable of. 

Unfortunately, Jeremy was too preocupied with the odd expressions forming on Brandon's magnificent features to notice where the man's hand was going. He sat there, mouth agape, eight eyes glued to Brandon's two, when suddenly the mighty alpha male let out a strangled moan of delight. His eyes rolled back in his head and Jeremy looked on in confusion. But then, he saw it. 

A string of white liquid came hurtling towards the young spider at an incredible speed. He panicked, legs wiggling frantically as he tried to dodge the blast. Finally, he felt the impact of the liquid on his side. He felt the thick hot seed trickle over his body and lodge itself into all the crevices of his body. His exoskeleton burned and as much as he tried, he could not free his legs. 

After a few minutes of struggling, he went limp. The poor young spider had been defeated. He gazed up into Brandon's eyes one last time, dreams of their future wedding fading out of existence. 

"Why?" Jeremy sighed, his eyes fluttering as he tried desperately to stay conscious. 

"You didn't subscribe to ZeroDragon Nation." Brandon replied.

A single tear rolled down Jeremy's cheek as he battled against the thick hot liquid, trying desperately to breath.

A few minutes later and Jeremy was dead. He wasn't old enough for a YouTube channel, and it had cost him his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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