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OUT OF ALL THE POSSIBLE DAYS it could choose from, London traffic decided to be utterly chaotic on May 31st, or as it was most commonly known in the elite circles of England, the Epsom Darby Day. Caterina's Bentley made a sharp u-turn through the crowded streets of London, a bounty of curses leaving the brunette's mouth as she narrowly dodged yet another pedestrian.

     It was not hard to spot the ragtag group sporting flat caps, crowded over a very familiar trio on the side of the road. There was Johnny Dogs with his kin, John and Charlie leaning on the side of the truck.

She parked right behind their shabby truck, quick to hit the brakes and slam the car door behind her. The one man she was looking for was standing in the middle of the group, smoking his cigarette as he explained something.


His head snapped up, clear eyes widening at her appearance. Caterina hadn't seen him for days, neither of them knowing if the other was well, cleaning up messes in their own domains, him off to London and dealing with Alfie, and her pacifying Birmingham's Italian population.

Thomas moved in her direction, making the men around him part like the Red Sea, meeting her in the middle. In a matter of moments her hands were around his neck, lips pressing eagerly against his in relief. The lit cigarette fell out of his hand, one resting on her waist and the other finding its way into her bouncing hair.

     All the longing, all the trepidation that bloomed in their hearts vanished and poured passion into their embrace, a clash of lips and teeth, painful and feverish and content. Cigaette smoke and a faint scent of peppermint, it was a combination she could never be sick of, not if it was him, never if it was him.

Their reunion was cut short by a very offended, "Oi!"

The two lovers detached from each other, only to come face to face with the group watching them wide-eyed and jaws nearly touching the floor.

"When the fuck did that happen?" John coughed out after he nearly choked on the toothpick perpetually stuck to the corner of his mouth.

"How long have you been keeping this from us, you fuckers?"

Seemingly nothing could erase Tommy's smug smirk as he rested one of his arms around his girlfriend's waist, a small, seemingly unimprotant gesture that helped him stay anchored with his trail of toughts. "Ah, it's been a few months, hasn't it?"

Cat shared his smile, thinking back to all the secret moments they shared over the last months, the hiding only adding to the flame — the wildfire — that was their budding relationship.

The silence suddenly turned into cheers of delight, the loudest of them being Arthur. "I knew it! Pay up, pay up, lads," he took off his hat, going around the circle to collect the money of the other's who bet on Tommy and Cat.

Cat raised an amused brow his way. "You bet on when we're getting together?"

"Godammit, Esme and I missed it by two months," groaned John, taking a bob out of his pocket and putting it into Arthur's flat cap.

"Told ya I have a nose for it," the eldest Shelby winked slyly at Cat, making her roll her eyes.

"Good to see you too, Arthur. How was prison?"

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 ♛ thomas shelbyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat