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The pain was flooding your heart. You've been trying to hold on but you can't anymore. You feel yourself slipping away. The voices in your head getting louder and louder. You clutch your chest, the tears streaming down your face like a waterfall. You put your other hand over your mouth to keep yourself from screaming out loud. Your body started to shake. It was getting to the point it hurt every time you took a breathe.'

'You took a deep breath. Slowly started to breath in and out. To calm yourself enough to reach over and grab the bottle of pills. Swallowing two whole bottles and taking the blade and quickly sliding the cool blade against your soft skin. The warm crimson red liquid pooling out of your wrists. Your body temperature started to drop and you quickly started to feel sleepy. You curled up in your bed for the last time and covered your. The darkness welcoming you with a warm embrace.'

'You rose up in bed; but you weren't in your bed. You were in a huge white soft bed with black satin sheets and fuzzy covers. Your wrists were bandaged and you looked in front of you to see no other than Cordelia sitting there with tears leaking down her face.'

'As soon as you rose up Cordelia pulled you in for a tight hug.'

"Oh I thought I lost you."

'She said while crying into the side of your neck.'

'You had so many questions your head started to spin.'

"Shh just know that I saved you because I couldn't bare to live my life without you."

'You gently wrapped your arms around Cordelia both of you crying trying to comfort each other.'

"I love you honey your safe now."

"I love you too Cordelia."

'Your heart melting into a puddle as you melted into her arms. Knowing your life will start changing for the better now.'

Sarah Paulson: One Shots Where stories live. Discover now