Chapter One (and only)

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Shawn Hemsworth was perfect, with his dark brown hair that was floppy like from a cartoon, and his deep brown eyes, and his freckles that seemed out of place, and his adorable dimple. He was funny, and smart, and sweet, and utterly ordinary, and Molly Prewett had been in love with him for years (3, to be exact).

Too bad he didn't notice.

I mean, how hard is it to realise that the girl next door (literally) who keeps bringing you homemade pie, and homemade (and delicious) fudge, and sweaters she knitted herself in your favourite colour, and waffles she made from scratch is madly in love with you?

Apparently, awfully hard.

She decided that she would tell him the summer before her last year at Hogwarts (three years of secret love letters is enough, thank you and please).

Well, she tried to tell him. Technically, officially, and according to her diary, it didn't work.

On July 1st, she brought waffles.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Yeah, these waffles look amazing!"

That is, of course, not what Molly meant in the slightest.

"That is not what I meant in the slightest," she mumbled. He didn't hear her.

On July 2nd, she brought him ice cream that she made herself. Ice cream is hard to make, and his only response was "Thanks!" and then he started eating. She asked him what his favourite colour was, just to make sure that the sweater she planned on knitting was perfect.

"Green, emerald green," he said through a mouthful of ice cream, so it sounded more like grun, mmerld grun. Molly sighed, because he was so cute.

On July 14th, she brought over a sweater (you thought it would be July 3rd, didn't you? Sweaters take a while to knit, she may be magic but she's not magic).

"I made this for you! In your favourite colour!" She held the neatly wrapped sweater in front of her face, blushing.

"Thanks. It's a bit warm for a sweater though, innit?" He said rather kindly.

"Um, uh," she was at a bit of a loss for words, "Yeah, of course." She was mildly disappointed, but he was so amazing that she got over it quickly. Maybe fudge next time? Yeah, he liked fudge.

"Do you want me to take it back?" She asked quietly.

"Of course not! It's very nice, thanks," he said hurriedly.

Molly blushed. She seemed to do that a lot around him.

On July 15th, she brought over fudge, but he had a football game to go to, so they didn't really talk, except for a brief conversation not worth noting here (he never shut up about football. Like, you're a wizard, buddy, play some wizard sports). He did, however, say that her fudge was the best thing that he ever tasted, so that made her rather happy.

On July 16th, Molly brought over pie.

"Thanks! I love apple pie," he said cheerfully (though mildly confused), "And lemon meringue, and key lime, and pecan, and pumpkin, and- how did you carry all of these pies over?"

Molly steeled her nerves, she was going to do it. She was going to confess...


"Oh, I only live next door. Anyways, I've been baking a lot, and Mum and Dad are getting sick of all the leftovers, and there's no more room in the fridge, and I can't seem to stop baking, and," she kept rambling, but you get the picture.

On July 17th, she helped him with (re: did all the work for him) his Charms summer work. It's really not that hard, just swish, and flick, but like, whatever! He needed help, and she was there to provide it. She did not, by the way, confess.

She went over on July 18th, but was told by the gardener that the Hemsworth family had gone on vacation until mid-August.

On August 14th, the Hemsworth family returned, and Molly was going to go over there, she really meant to, but... Fabian and Gideon got into trouble (again), so they all had to stay inside and watch Bewitched (which was really only an issue for Fabe, Gid, and Mrs. Prewett, but Mr. Prewett and Molly quite enjoyed the misrepresentation of witches in the media).

On August 15th, 1966, at 5:39 pm exactly, Molly Prewett knocked on the door of the Hemsworth residence.

Shawn answered, probably due to the fact that it was his house.

"I love you!" She blurted, fairly well screaming in his face.

Shawn was stunned.

"I've loved you since we first became friends, and I'm in love with you now."

His face was still frozen (probably from still processing, but she couldn't be sure). He hadn't moved a muscle, hardly even blinked, since she had confessed.

"Say something! Anything? Please?"

He shook his head slightly, then more forcefully. "I don't think we should talk anymore," he said awkwardly, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck.

Now Molly was shocked. "What- I'm sorry, pardon?"

"Listen Molly, look, I'm flattered and all, but a) I have a girlfriend, 2) I don't think of you that way, and d) I'm moving in literally 2 days. Also, we aren't in the same Hogwarts house, only talk over the summer, and just... yeah. So um, please, uh- please leave my house? I don't really feel like talking to you."

Her eyes welled up with tears. Was she expecting him to say he loved her too? NO (well, kind of, okay, maybe... yeah sort of). But the fact remained that she was going to cry, on the doorstep of the guy who a) just rejected her and b) told her to get out of his house so...

She ran. She ran out from the door, across the street, and away from the neighbourhood.

Instead of going to her own house, right next door where she would be teased by Fabian and Gideon then prodded at by her parents to "ShArE HeR fEeLiNgS", she went to the train station.

What's one more crying teenage girl at the train station? People would just assume that the love of her life was moving away, and that, while not exactly true, was sort of accurate, so off to the train station she went.

She sat on the bench, the nearest seat she could find, and she cried.

And cried.

And cried.

And cried.

It must have been around 7:00 when she stopped crying, or at least slowed down the hardcore sobbing, and that was due to a lanky young man, about her age, coming over.

"Did you know that rubber ducks were invented by a man called Peter Ganine?" he asked awkwardly, "and they were first made in the early 1940s?"

When she looked up but didn't respond, the boy continued. "Of course, I still can't figure out what they're meant to be used for." He said with a small laugh.

She giggled a little, wiping her eyes and smiling at him.

"I'm Arthur," the boy said with a cute little smile, extending his hand, "Arthur Weasley."

A/N: This is dedicated to @amaxinng for whom I have to thank the wonderful plot , and thank you, the reader, for taking the time to read this little oneshot about Molly Prewett. I know that it's really short, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! (Word count of 1228)

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