????: Let me out Izu I told you if he stepped over the line I'll come out and he just did miles over the line!!!!

Everyone could see Izuku struggling to stand he was holding his head like it was going to explode.

Uraraka: What is happening to Deku-kun?

Dylan: He has finally had it so he is coming out

Shoto: Who is he?

Dylan: You'll see soon enough

Out of Izuku's back came a black tar like substance that took the form of the upper half of a human body. Its black body was bigger then Izuku's whole frame its face had a white X on it and two white eye.

 Its black body was bigger then Izuku's whole frame its face had a white X on it and two white eye

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????: Want to say that again Dip !#$%

Uraraka/Uraraka: What the hell is that thing?!?!?!?!

Dylan: That would be this worlds Izuku's quirk

Everyone: His/My quirk!!!!

Dylan: Yes but I'll let him explain

????: You've put my little Izu through hell now it is my turn!!!!

Izuku: That is enough Ragnarok you calm down right now your scaring everyone

Ragnarok: But Izu he deserves a good thrashing

Izuku: Not now I now have to explain this to everyone and your going to help me

Ragnarok: Fine

Izuku turned to face the other who were still staring at Ragnarok who was now behind Izuku still connected to him.

Izuku: I know I have a lot of explaining to do

Kaminari: You bet you do man like what the hell is that thing?!?!?!?!

Izuku: Well sit down and I'll tell you our whole story

Everyone took a seat in the common room as Izuku sat in front on everyone with Ragnarok still with him.

Izuku: First I think an introduction is in order everyone this is Ragnarok you can say he is like Tokoyami's Dark Shadow for me

Tokoyami: So does he get stronger in the darkness?

Izuku: Yes but he'll get stronger with all the negative emotions I have so that is why I try to stay positive because if I get too upset I'll loose control and so will he and attack anything in our way

Ragnarok: That is why we agreed not to use this power unless it was called for and we'd focus on the other quirk we have

Kirishima: Crazy but why did you come out now?

Ragnarok: To beat the crap out of him

Ragnarok pointed at Bakugo who was standing at the doorway to the elevator before scoffing and leaving the room to head to his room

Jiro: So what is this quirks name?

Dylan: Black Blood

Everyone turned to see that Dylan was standing in the room at the doorway to the entrance to the building. What the kids weren't expecting was a white bodied, black eye, black cross faced giant behind Dylan kinda like Ragnarok.

????: Hello Ragnarok

Ragnarok: Hello Bifrost

With that the screen went black as Dylan seemed confused before his eyes started to glow white before being thrown back into his chair.

Shoto: Dyl are you okay?

Dylan: Yes but I don't know what's going on that wasn't the end it's like something is blocking my quirk

This surprised everyone that was there even Nezu was surprised Dylan continued to try and see what was going on but couldn't get through whatever was blocking him.

Dylan: I don't like this

Aizawa: Well try again later maybe with another world you'll be able to try again

Dylan: Yeah that is a good idea

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