Tae is right after all. Not only the Kreepolrerk but the Jarujitranon also follows about his news closely.

"How the heck did you find him? My men tried their best to search for him when found no dead body of him that day."

Tae stares at the old man. He has no answer to the question. He shrugs.

"Love finds its home." Tae says shortly.

Pavel swears if he's not in front of the leader of the Jarujitranon, he would have hits Tae's head for the cheesy words.

"How did you know it is really him?"

"I know every parts of him. This heart remembers him." Tae answers honestly deep from his heart.

The old man nods. He can't say anything to it.

"I'm sure you've done test on him." The old man nods, nothing to hide. That's how they make sure that Tee is really the dead grandson coming back alive.

"He has been asking for you." Tae looks at the old man.

Tae's soul has been begging for Tee, to at least seeing him in front of his eyes, to at least ensure he is safe with his own eyes. He doesn't know how Tee's feels, but this is how he feels without Tee.

"Grandpa! P'Tee still doesn't want to eat!" Bas comes to the living room where they are still having the discussion. Tae and Pavel turn to look at the boy. The old man sighs.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you have guests." The boy bows as apologize. Then, he looks at Tae with wide eyes.

"You're P'Darvid." Bas says. Tae still hasn't moved his stare from the boy. The boy gulps.

"P'Tee hasn't touched any food since he came here." Bas says, he thinks he needs to explain when Tae hasn't moved his eyes from him.

Tae's face change to unspoken expression, but its making Bas more scared of him. Bas puts his hands up.

"It's not my fault!" Bas says with his hands up in the air.

"I tried, we tried our best to convince P'Tee to eat, but he just won't." Bas tries to reason.

Tae sighs. He looks away from Bas but he still looks scary in for Bas.

"I want to see him." Tae says, more like growling. The old man nods. He loves Tae's intimidate expression.

Tae stands himself up. He walks away but stop in the middle before leaving the living room. He glances towards Pavel before turns to look at the old man.

"Don't be harsh on him." Tae says to the old man.

The old man chuckles. He starts to love Tae's presence.

Bas shows Tae the path to Tee's room. Bas tries his best not to look at Tae and only guide the way, the intimidating aura is still lingering.

The door to the room is wide open. Inside, Tae can sees a lady is still trying to persuade Tee to eat. Tee is lying on the bed on his stomach, keeping his mouth shut.

Tae looks at Bas, asking question with his eyes.

"P' has been like that since yesterday." Bas says. Tae nods.

"P'Mook." Bas calls the lady. Mook looks at the door and immediately recognized Tae. Apparently, all of Jarujitranon know who Tae is. She bows towards Tae before walks out of the room.

"The food is on the coffee table. It is still warm." She says before leaving. Tae nods towards her and Bas.

Bas let's Tae enters the room before closes the door to give privacy to both the people in the room.

Tae approaches the bed. He sits on the edge of the bed. His hand wanders to Tee's hair, caressing the hair gently.

Tee opens his eyes immediately. His head recognizes the touch; his nose is familiar with the scent. Tee turns to look at the man.

In blink of eyes with no word spoken, Tee is in his man's arms.

Tae kisses Tee's top head. He loosen the hug and cupped the cheeks, he kisses Tee's forehead. Tee snuggles back to Tae's chest, taking in the scent that he missed so much.

The stays in each other's warm for a moment.

"Let's eat." Tae says, he is worry, Tee feels small in his arms than before.

Tee shakes his head, face still hidden in Tae's chest.

"Please.." Tae convinces softly. Tee finally looks at him and nods. However, he still clings tight to Tae.

Tae stands up and lifts Tee. Tee clings on Tae like a baby koala. Tae sits on the sofa near the coffee table inside the room; he's ensuring Tee is comfortable in his laps.

"Come, let's eat." Tae takes the food on the table. Tee looks at the food.

Tae spoons the food and eats the food first to make sure it is edible and to measure the temperature of the food.

Tee follows every Tae's movement with his eyes.

"Say aaaahh.." Tae spoons the food for Tee. Tee blinks a few times before takes the spoon in.

Tae makes sure that Tee eats every single of food on the plate.

"Is it good?" Tae asks.

"No." Tee answers, pouting. Tae smiles.

"You still finished them though."

"You told me to." Tee replied. Tae keeps smiling, he cupped the cheeks.

He kisses Tee's forehead. Then, he kisses the cheeks.

"I miss you." Tae says. Tee looks into the eyes. He kisses Tae's right cheek.

"I miss you too." He says.

That evening, Bas enters the room quietly. He just wants to make sure that both the P's is still alive.

Once he opens the room, his eyes catch the two persons sleeping peacefully on the bed. Tee is sleeping on Tae's chest, smiling. Bas smiles seeing them. He quietly makes his way out with the empty plates on his hands. 

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