Feelings for One Another (His POV)

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Contains Strong Language
Vanossgaming: (Playing prop hunt) "Guys, I have a bit of a problem"
"You have a terrible hiding spot, Evan," Nogla taunted.
"No guys this is serious!"
"How serious," Moo asked.
"I saw a beautiful girl at the park today. I might have some feelings for her"
"Then tell her you stupid bitch!", Nogla said.
"Ugh! Okay, okay! I will meet her again at the park to tell her"
"Thats great Evan, now tell me where you are, bitch...", Nogla threatened.

The Terroriser: (Playing Mario Kart)
"Alright guys if I lose, I'll tell you what happened the other day."
"Well shit that is never going to happen," Marcel said in annoyance.
30 minutes later
"Fuck! How did Anthony win?!"
"Woooo! Suck it Brian! Now tell us".
"Oh for fuck sakes! Okay I met a girl while she was visiting Dublin."
"And....?", Marcel asked.
"Shes pretty and sweet and I want to tell her how I feel."
"Do it! Tomorrow!", Anthony said.
"One more round then I will tell her"
1 round later
"Shite! This hasn't been my day..."

Daithi De Nogla: (Playing Golf It!) "Guys real talk right now!"
"Uh oh, Nogla has something to say," Brian said.
"I met a girl at the coffee shop"
"If she is cute, I will take her from you," Brian taunted.
"Shut up you dumb bitch. Anyways I want to tell her how I feel."
"Well be a man and tell her tomorrow," Brian said.
"Fuck you Brian..."

H20Delirious: (Playing Catch a Lover) "Sooo..where are you Delirious?," Evan asked.
"Nowhere, bitch. Listen I met a girl online by Moo and shes a pretty good gamer."
"Why not ask her to play with us?," Mini Ladd asked.
"I just hope she isn't too freaked out by our behavior."
"She won't be trust me dude," Moo said as he shot Delirious.

Moo Snuckel: (Playing Cards Against Humanity) "Well this is so weird to say out loud," Nogla said.
"You guys remember (Y/N)?"
"Yeah what about her?," Evan asked.
"I want to confess my feelings towards her."
"Do it, man," Brian said.
"Alrighty I will."

Lui Calibre:(Playing GTA5) "Lui? You stopped moving what happened?, Brock said.
"Well I uh....hehe.."
"Come on Lui, tell uncle Brock what happened."
"I uh...met a girl...at the zoo.."
"Just tell her how you feel bro."
"I can't! I'm too shy..."
"Whats her name? Does she have online?"
"I think so. She gave me her phone number and online username."
"Awww my Lui is all grown up!," Craig said.
"Sh...shut up..."

BigJigglyPanda :(Playing Mario Kart) "Well dead last again. Thanks Anthony for that fucking red shell," Marcel complained.
"Hey uh guys, I have something to ask you advice on. I met a girl at the movie theater watching a scary movie and out of nowhere she hugs me when she got scared."
"Oooh Jiggly got some action last night!", Brian taunted.
"FUCK YOU! Listen I need advise on how to ask her out."
"Ask her out again, but maybe not at a horror film."

BasicallyIDoWrk: (Playing Minecraft) "Hey uh Marcel? You feeling alright bud?," Brian asked.
"Yeah I'm peachy, why?"
"Because you aren't as ragey as you normally are at Minecraft."
"I met a girl a couple days ago. She is sweet and beautiful."
"Does she like games?," Moo asked.
"Yes! I want to ask her out."
"Either do it in person or online man," Brian asked silently putting down TNT.
"Alright-hey! What the fuck are you doing?! BRRRRRIIIIIAAANNNN!!!"
"And he's back...", Brian said as he watched Marcel explode.

Fourzer0Seven: (Playing Call of Duty) "I won woo! Alright guys I want to confess to a girl what do I do?"
"Suck a dick..." Nogla sulked.
"No seriously! What do I do?!"
"Just be yourself man," Evan said as he set up a server.
"Alright I'll try to ask her out!"

Mini Ladd: (Playing UNO) "UNO! Woo!"
"Mini is going to win! What the hell?," Anthony protested.
"I forgot what he has shit!," Wildcat said sadly.
Mini puts down a green 8
"Woooo! Wooo! I have something to say."
"To the Academy Awards?", Anthony asked.
"No really. I met a girl a week ago and she gave me her number to meet me again. I wanna tell her how I feel.
"Well now all your fangirls just left nice knowing you Craig..." Wildcat said.

I AM WILDCAT: (Playing Fortnite) "I may have met a girl on this server."
Your username pops up
"Ooh there she is. Oh my goodness she is amazing at this game."
Accidentally gets killed.
"Fuck me dude! I got distracted! Maybe Ill chat with her later on discord".

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