He nodded his head, just barely breaking the intense stare. He took one last look at his home, his former life, and ran to the speeder. Lora quickly followed after, sprinting to match his pace. The wind blew her braid wildly, it whipped her directly in the eye. She winced as she entered the speeder and moved it from her face, tucking the end in the back of her jacket.

     Luke didn't wait too long for her to settle into the speeder and instantly took off, taking them back to Ben, knowingly leaving behind his life on Tatooine forever.

     Obi-Wan stood in front of the destroyed sandcrawler transport that once belonged to the Jawas. Luke drove the speeder closer to the wreck, stopping in front of the two droids as they burned the remains of the jawas, holding a small funeral for them.

    Lora got out of the speeder at the same time as Luke. She noticed Ben looking at her and she shook her head, confirming his suspicions. Luke ambled towards Ben, moving with heavy steps as he approached him. Lora did not follow, knowing that Luke should talk to Ben in private. She knew that he would say the right things to Luke.

    She instead joined Threepio in carrying the jawas to the fire, it was the best thing that they could do for the poor creatures. Lora slowly bent over, carefully picking up one of the smaller jawas. They were so small, she thought, as she easily carried it over to the fire.

    She softly laid it down, frowning as it burned. Artoo watched as she stared into the fire and softly beeped, as if he was trying to comfort her. Although she didn't speak Astromech, she nodded in thanks, heading next to the small droid. She crouched down, meeting his height.

   She put her hand on top of his metal head, resting it as a way to comfort both him and herself. Artoo released another set of beeps, moving back and forth. Lora assumed he was growing restless from being away from Leia for too long. "We'll get her back soon, Artoo. Once we take the plans to Bail, he'll do everything in his power to get his daughter back."

    She paused, whispering softly as if she was reassuring herself and not the droid next to her, "She'll be okay. She will."

    Leia Organa was Lora's best friend--practically her sister-- she couldn't... no wouldn't live without her. They were always together, except when their jobs didn't permit it. Even then, they would be constantly going on missions with each other, fighting oppression and bringing justice to all of the wretched villainy throughout the galaxy.

    Leia was simultaneously stubborn and caring, a mixture of both of her parents. A loving nature that stemmed from her mother, the queen of Alderaan; and an ambitious drive for a political career from her father, viceroy of Alderaan and former member of the imperial senate.

    Lora missed her smile as endlessly joked with her and her laugh as they made stupid remarks about the lastest drama in the galaxy. Leia truly was the galaxy's sweetheart, everyone had a soft spot for the young senator and princess.

    It was hard for Lora to be without her, she was always the composed one who thought quick on her feet. Lora was the reckless one who was better at giving orders than following them. Lora was better at intel recon missions and small space scuffles, she wasn't often placed on high level dangerous missions.

    Lora was determined to get her back after she got to Alderaan, the rebellion would be hopeless without their favorite princess.

    Lora removed her hand from Artoo and slowly rose to stand straight. Her legs still ached from the day before, but she barely noticed as she ambled over to the two men who now stood next to the speeder. She caught the attention of Luke and nodded at him, still feeling concerned for his well-being.

Do Not Go Gentle → Luke Skywalker¹Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum