My Darling

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Dear Jane Sicamore,

I have always loved you but i felt you havent loved me back. SInce we are seperated by war i finally struck up the courage to tell you I love you.

Ever since the day I saw you at the beach i thought you were radiant, dazzling, and beautiful, but you had a boyfriend.

I was never really popular in college but you were and so was you boyfriend he was the jock of jocks no dared to take a crack at the big man or his girl.

The only reason I'm expressing my feelings torward you is because I've been wounded and i and in the infirmary also in critical condition.

If this didnt happen you would never read this letter nor recieved it.

Most men wont admit their felling like this, i'm not gay or bisexual im straight.

I am showing I love you un-like you're un-ruly boyfriend who goes around to college partes drinks and haves wild sex.

Jane I know your abused by him our dorms are right beside eachother i heard when you asked him what he was doing when you found him in the bed with another girl you just wanted to break up with him at that moment so you said it and he hit you I heard you scream and i saw the marks all over you this darkened me.

One day I finally struck up the courage to go fight him for you but of course he has his possie with him and they whopped my a*s.

But I don't care I think people call him a chicken for always fighting in groups.

Anyways I love you.



Mrs. Jane I am sorry but the man who wrote this letter was putting to much stress on him so he had a heart attack so i decided to finish this letter for him.We were unable to identify him last name because his dogtags were missing. Sincerely,Shela Richmony

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2012 ⏰

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