Chapter 1

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"Look at this Papa," a small voice said from Patton's right.

"What's that kiddo," Patton replied. The little girl then showed him a beautiful flower. Patton then picked the flower and placed it carefully in the girl's hair. "There you go, Emily."

"Thanks, Papa, I love you," Emily replied

"I love you too Emily." Patton and his daughter were spending the day in the park. They were having a great time. They were walking along the path when the spotted a pond.

"Oooooooo, Papa can we go see the pond. Please, I wanna feed the duckies." Emily exclaimed. She then proceeded to pull Patton over.

"Alright, let's go," Patton said chuckling. They walked over to the pond together. Emily walked over to the pond and sat down on the grass. A small duckling waddled its way over to her.

"Hi, I'm Emily," she said to the duck.

The duck replied with a quack. Patton watched from a nearby bench. Laughing to himself as his daughter played with the duck.

"I'm gonna name you Cookie," Emily said. "Because I love cookies and I love you."

Patton soon began to get tired and nodded off to sleep. He opened his eyes to find Cookie staring at him. But Emily was nowhere to be found. He stood up fast.

"Emily!" He called. He walked over to the pond. No Emily. He walked back to the path. No Emily. He was getting panicky. "Emily! Where are you! EMILY!"

He ran back over to the pond thinking she may have drowned. Patton waded into the shallow end of the water. "Emily! Are you there? Emily!" It was hopeless she was gone.

"Papa?" a small voice asked. "Are you okay?" Patton knew he must be hearing things. "Papa?" the voice was closer. He turned around and there standing with a bouquet of flowers in her hand was Emily.

Patton quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. "Emily?"

"Yeah, Papa?" Emily asked. She looked at Patton wide-eyed.

"Don't ever scare me like that again! If you want to go somewhere just ask!" Patton said angrily. Then seeing the tears forming in Emily's eyes he said, "I'm so glad that you are alright. I love you." Patton smiled. Emily smiled and jumped into Patton's arms.

"I love you too!" she said hugging Patton tightly.

"How about we go back to the house and make cookies?" Patton asked when they pulled away.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" Emily screamed in excitement as Patton held her and walked out of the water.


Dee walked down the hall and into the room. Hushed voices stop as he enters. The people in the room look up to stare at him. Dee waves his hand as to say continue then walked over to his throne at the end of the room. His wrist was bothering him. He looked at it and rubbed the scar there. He was about to sit down when he heard a voice calling his name.

"Dee!" the voice said sweetly. Dee turned around to see his boyfriend Remy walking towards him. "The guards say that they saw him walking in the park with a little girl." Dee raised his eyebrows at this.

"A little girl you say?" Dee asked in his smooth British accent.

"Yes, a little girl," Remy said. He finished the walk over to Dee. Dee pulls him into a kiss. It didn't last long because Dee quickly pulled away to rub at his wrist again. "Is it bothering you?"

"What? Oh," Dee said. "No don't worry about it, love."

"Okay..." Remy said unsure, but Dee gave him a look that said that the conversation was over so he changed the subject. "As I was saying, a little girl."

" I never knew he had a daughter," Dee said, looking at Remy.

"Me neither," Remy said then, eyes widening, he grabbed Dee's gloved hand and said, "That gives me an idea!"

"What is it, love?" Dee asked.

"If that is his daughter, then he will do anything to protect her right?" Remy asked.

"Yes of course."

"Well, I say we take his daughter." Dee's face lit up. "We will have to create a distraction though."

Dee smiled kissed Remy again and said, "Let me handle that." Looking at the scar he turned to the guards.

"Let's blow the roof of his place." 

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