Chapter Ten

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So the video above is a little girl called Angelica Hale she is my favorite hope you will her voice like I do 😊

Sierra Ryan
"Why haven't you told me about that yet?" I screamed at him.

I was stressed out. All my plans that I made for this wedding is coming to ruins from the car to the flowers its like someone is doing this on purpose so I can lose my business.

I don't like this and I need to know who is it cause I know I have new enemies now. I have been living with Aaron this days at his penthouse cause my daughter has been bugging me with seeing his dad more often.

And now her and his father are currently in Paris this weekend having their time of the lives while I am here stressed. I couldn't just pack up and live cause this wedding was a must I attended.

I look at all the orders and called the flower company.

"Hello am the girl who asked for the lilies last Tuesday"

"Ah yes. But here it says you came and changed the orders ma'am" said the person.

I looked shocked and just wanted to beat out the crap out of this person who wants to ruin my business this much.

"But I didn't change anything"

"No you came here actually your assistant came here said to change".

"Oh! Thank you then" I looked at my workers they were busy planing each and everything.

"Which one of you went and changed the orders of the flower I ordered again?" I asked and all of them looked at each other and shook there heads.

"Fuck" I throw a glass and it shatters in pieces. The wedding is in 5 hours and everything looks destroyed. I was beyond pissed.

The door opens revealing my daughter with a smile face but when I looked at Aaron he looked at me careful I give him a assurance smile.

"Mommy you look tired".

"I know baby! Run to the office and stay there okay princess" I kiss her cheeks.

Aaron opens his arms and doesn't say anything. He motions me to come there and I give in and just hug him.

"What happened?" he asks.

"Someone is trying to make me look bad and make matters worse the wedding is in 5 hours" I sigh and just look at him.

"Do you want any help?"

I nod he takes his phone and calls someone. Few minutes later Victor walks in plus other two people with him.

Victor hugs me and smiles at me.

"I will help with the drinks supplying my package has just arrived today so I will distribute it to you first then I will see on asking another supply of drinks okay" he gives me a smile.

I smile and nod at him.

"Hello I deal with flower company and we delivery them in time just tell me which design of flowers you need" she has a smile and I told her each and everything about the flower.

"Hello Ms. Ryan I work with the cake company and we will be glad to have you as client in a short minute" I nod and just told him all the details about the cake.

I turn to see my boyfriend playing tea party with her daughter I smiled and silent took a picture.

"He loves you. You know that right?" I look at Victor.

"I know he did all this for me in a short notice am glad"

Victor laughs.

"More like threatened us in a last minute we had no choice but to obey. I was glad to help you cause your my little sister but those two were practically dragged here by those guards there".

I looked shocked at what he did. I laugh and just knew he cared for me and didn't want me to be stressed out and I was glad.

I am glad one thing is still okay which is the reception area. The wedding went well and the bride and groom really were happy that we planned it well and gave them each and everything.

I was happy that I made another wedding successful. I return to my work place so I can grab my things and close up. I had the guards with me they told me that there following orders.

I closed up but before I closed up I saw a note which had red stain telling me to watch out. I was terrified.

The guards looked at me but I give them an assurance smile. When we reached the penthouse I looked at the mirrors and looked at the driver.

"Can.. Can you not tell him?"

He looked at me.

"It's for your protection ma'am you have to tell him Ms. Ryan"

"I will just not now please" I pleaded at him.

"Am giving you two days Ms. Ryan I can't lie to my boss" he sighs.

I nod and smile. I say my goodnight to him and walk to the building.

I punch in the number and see Chloe running around with Bella laughing. I laugh at them I look at my boyfriend who was busy with his phone and had earphones.

He didn't hear me enter so I kiss his neck. He looks behind me and smiles at me. I hug him and look at the screen where there's a picture of me and Bella.

"How is my handsome man?"

"This handsome man misses you" he kisses my lips and smile at it.

"Ehhh" the girls scream and run off to there room.

"Did they give you a lot trouble my love?" I wash my hands and enter straight to the refrigerator and take left over food to eat.

Takes my hand makes me sit and takes the food and puts it in a microwave. I look at him with pure happiness for the past two months we have been living amazing life like married couples.

He takes the food and keeps in the plate. He walks out and goes to the kids room. I eat the pizza silently.

"They have slept already"

"Babe we have talk" he looks at me.

"My mother is out to get you. I looked around and I knew she and Kimberly are messing with you"

I sigh and take out the letter and hands it out.

"I think your mother is planning something big babe"

He takes the paper and he was burning in anger. I hold his hand and look at him.

"We will get through this together okay"

He nods.

I walk up to him and hug him. I was terrified and I knew that but I had to be strong for me and Bella and him.

If she wants to mess with me fine but she must stay away from Bella and Aaron cause I will lose it if anything happens to them.

Hope you like this chapter stay tune and don't forget to comment on it and vote and share... Bye bye...

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