Chapter 2

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I run into the station. "Hello, is anyone here?" "ATTENTION! A MONSTER IS IN THE STATION! GET TO THE GARAGE!!" fu*k again... I go to the garage "Oh my fu*king GOD AGAIN?!?!" Its covered like the door in george's house... I run to look for stuff, i see green acid.. and a board over it. *7 minutes later* I get all the stuff and get into the garage, i see a brown dog "Hurry we need gas!" WHAT? i went through all that and now i need to find gas?! "Ughhhh be back" i look and find this strange grey box and it looks like i need to find batteries... I do and i get the gas and run to the door with mother piggy following me but shes slow too. I quickly pour in the gas and we leave.

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