Chapter 7

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Beca's POV:

As I was making my way back to Chloe's room I saw a guy walking in the same direction. And only when I got closer I saw that it was the same guy that did this to her. I was wondering what the hell he was doing here since he was the reason that Chloe was here in the first place. Like how did he dare to show up here?! I was debating if I should go after him and ask him why the hell he is here and what he is doing here but I decided not to because it is a hospital after all and I didn't wanna make a scene. So I just followed him and watched where he was going because maybe he wasn't even going to go to Chloe's room right??

After walking behind him for a few minutes I realized it was definitely the way to Chloe her room and the guy was being hella suspicious because he was constantly looking over his shoulder if no one was following him. I saw him knock on the door of Chloe's room. But instead of walking in after him I decided to wait outside and watch out in case anything happened in that room.

Chloe's POV:

As I was sitting in a corner on my bed I heard someone knock on the door after a few minutes and I thought to myself: Thank god the brunette came back after all. I really wondered why tho because the girl didn't even know me but well who else would come here right now? No one knew I was here so. I softly said come in after 2 minutes of thinking to myself. Slowly letting my bedsheets down.

But it wasn't Beca that came into the room, no not at all it was someone that I hoped I would never have to see again. It was Tom. And as I realized it was him I started to worry because he was in a room with me now and I couldn't even imagine what he was going to try and do to me.

"Hello Chloe, did you miss me? How come you got here anyways? Thought you'd be a little smarter and hide somewhere else". "T...Tom, what are you doing here? How did you find me?" I asked with a shaky voice. "I'm not stupid Chloe, I knew that if you weren't at your place someone would have brought you to a hospital. So I called a few hospital and asked for my girlfriend." "We broke up Tom, I am not your girlfriend anymore and please leave now, I really don't want you to be here." "I'm not going to leave before you give me what I came to get Chloe! You are a whore and I want to fuck you once again because I still damn like it!" I knew he was here because of that. He was always obsessed with having sex and after he raped me he said it wasn't over so yeah here I am laying in a hospital bed because of the last time he raped me and I couldn't move since I am in a lot of pain. "Please Tom, leave me alone. Otherwise I have to get a nurse in here." I said knowing he wouldn't go and knowing he was in fact going to rape me. "Ow Chloe, you're so smart. You won't get a nurse anywhere at the moment and no one will come check on you either any time soon. We are going to fuck right now if you want it or not!" he said as he walked closer and closer towards me. I started panicking really bad right now and started to talk louder, just in the hope of someone passing by in the hallway and hearing me. "Tom No! Please leave I don't want it! Don't you remember why I am even here?!" "Ofcourse I do! But I told you, I'm not going to stop so just work with me you little slut!"
Tears were rolling down my cheeks now because he grabbed me by my arms already and started to try and kiss me. He forced himself onto me and all I could do was cry and hope for someone to hear everything. I was trying to scream as hard as I could. And before I knew it, everything went black for me.

Beca's POV:

As I was waiting here I got confused since it looked like nothing was happening and there was no screaming either. Would they be good friend and was it just someone that looked like the guy that did this to her? I thought to myself. I decided to wait a little longer and if nothing would happen I would go home and check on her tomorrow.

I waited 10 more minutes and nothing happend, at least not that I could hear. But just as I was about to leave I heard Chloe raise her voice and I realized something was going on in there. So I made my way closer to the door and pressed my ear against it. I couldn't really hear anything but what seemed like a fainted sound of crying. Than I heard her try to scream and that's when I opened the door and walked in. The guy was trying to force himself onto her and she couldn't even move. I smashed the door closed and the guy panicked. He looked me in the eyes, than turned back to Chloe and he hit her in her face so hard that the smack was so loud that people in the hallway probably heard it. He quickly ran past me and didn't say a word. He smashed the door closed again and only after that I realized that I came just in time. The guy was going to rape her.

I walked up to Chloe and saw that the side of her face where he had hit her was starting to swell up. I softly put the hair out of her face and saw that she was unconscious. "Shit, how could someone do such things to this beautiful girl. I don't have the feeling she ever did him anything bad" I said to myself. I softly held her hand and mumbled that it was going to be okay. Than I ran up to the door again and looked if there were any nurses in the hallway, luckily there was because I didn't trust myself to leave the redhead alone to look for a nurse after what happend. I asked the nurse for an ice pack and she said she would bring it, so I thanked her and went to sit with Chloe again. I had put a chair next to the bed by now on which I decided to stay at least til the girl woke up again.....

I hope this chapter wasn't too boring! I love you guys! Let me know what you think in the comments please!!!

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