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background - Your dad is moving in with a 'client' in New Jersey which means you have to move in also. As you move, you hate the fact that you have to leave all of your friends behind. Your moms death was caused by a drive-by in Ohio when you were 4 and your dad has been single since.
As you enter the city, you notice the buildings are a variety between new and old buildings  and the houses are all normal size. You arrive at the house as you are introduced to her. Her name is Rebecca and seems very flirty, especially towards your dad. 

Two weeks after moving into New Jersey, your dad and Rebecca announced that your dad has proposed to her. You immediately text your old best friend, Melany.


              My dad's getting married in 2 months!!

Omg are you serious!? I have to be there! I'm coming up for the wedding for sure.

           Yesss that's perfect. I can't wait to see you i miss you sm!
                              *end of texts*

*1 month later*

"omg you made it!! you're here a little early though, aren't you?" you say as Melany knocks at your front door.

"yea i asked your dad to come down a month early to spend time with you before school starts up and everything with that." says Melany

"that's actually perfect, i've been seeing new people that seem our age when i go skating around town. i hope you can help me make some friends before school."

"yea we should definitely go swimming tomorrow at the pool. it looked really big when i was passing it in the cab on my way here."

"let's. go. right. now."


*later at the pool*  *you wore a black and grey striped bikini and melany wore a bright pink one*

As you two were sitting at a table in the shade, you noticed 4 boys across the pool staring at you. After about 15 minutes of them talking, they came over to your table, making you nervous. Your friend was a natural people person so she didn't have a problem having conversations with them.

"Hey i'm Mattia and these are my friends Alejandro, Kairi, and Alvaro. We couldn't help but notice two cute girls here we've never seen before. Are you guys from around here?" says the boy.

"no actually, my friend here just moved here with her dad. she's looking for friends before school starts" says Melany

*you hit her under the table, warning her not to take it too far*

"hi, i'm kayla." you say blushing

As Melany is talking to them, you notice Mattia staring at you and that makes you blush even harder.

"I need to go to the bathroom" you say nervously

When you get into the bathroom, you go straight to the stall and pull out your phone. You pull up the camera and notice your face is red, really red. You come out after you calm down a little bit and notice Alejandro has taken your spot by Mel, making the only place to sit is between her and Mattia.

"Kayla can i talk to you for a minute" says Alvaro, making you more nervous than you've ever been because of the fact that you just met him.

"listen, i saw that my boy Mattia has been lookin at you a certain type of way. can you do me a favor and text him or something later? he's been real down since his girl left him 3 months ago. you don't have to but i think you'd like him."

"yea for sure, but can you give me his number or something? he's lowkey kinda cute and he seems goofy." you say

"oh he's real goofy. i think you guys will hit it off."

"i hope so🤤"

"i see you drooling and shit haha. he's super sweet when it comes to relationships, but won't get into one until he knows you a little bit. just saying."

"i'm the same way. now give me his number before they think we're getting into something😂"

*later that night*

"so what did you and that Alvaro kid talk about earlier?" says Melany

"Well, he said he noticed Mattia looking at me some way and that he has been kinda down since his last girlfriend broke up with him 3 months ago i think. he also gave me his number." you say remembering the whole thing

"well have you texted him yet?"

"no, i forgot. i don't know what to say though, can you help me?"

"omg just be you."

"okay okay."


            "hey it's me from the pool, the shy one."

"hey! wait, am I what you and Alvaro we're talking about earlier?"

            "yes, he said you were looking at me a certain type of way. idk haha"

"lol i didn't want to say anything so i just kept my mouth shut. i assumed you had a boyfriend by how gorgeous you are."

         "i did back in Ohio, but we broke up since i had to move here."

"i'm sorry to hear that. are you okay??"

         "yea, it was a toxic relationship, so i'm not too worried about it, thanks tho"

"yea no problem. but i heard you thought i was cute, that true?"


"i'm taking that as a yes, so you down to hang out sometime or is it too soon?"

                                "i'm down to hang anytime."

"okay, can we meet tomorrow at the ice cream shop downtown? 5ish?"

                                                                   "yea ofc!"

"so it's a date?"

                                                              "it's a date."

                             *end of texts*

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