"I'm a paddler," I admitted.

We were just walking for a short while, talking about a new show on FOX we both got into.

"Hezzy!" Rory caught up to us. "Permission to steal?" she asked Jess. "What's happening?" he asked her.

"Boys and girls are splitting, we're going to the gym," Rory told him. "Please tell me I'm hard of hearing," I begged Jess as Rory dragged me away from him.

We actually went to a gym and I ran about twenty miles on a treadmill and I was out of breath. I took breaks, I didn't do it all at once. I did four mile intervals, drink cucumber water and run another four miles.

The boys were playing basketball. "Who knew you could run," Rory laughed.

"What happened?" Jess asked her as he, Luke and Logan were coming downstairs.

"Hezzy is now giving Usain Bolt a run for his money," Rory laughed.

The only thing I wanted to know is whether the pun was intended or not.


"Okay, now you're giving Gordon Ramsay a run for his money," Rory pointed out as I was slicing.

"Well I have many hidden talents," I smirked. Jess was stunned at the image of me, Heather Gilmore, wielding a knife in the kitchen and the surprise that I haven't sliced my hand off yet.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I rolled my eyes. "Already did," he smirked.

"Can I do anything?" Rory asked me. "Zest the lemons," I instructed her.

"You should make us your tacos," Rory suggested as she mashed the potatoes. "Are you and Jess doing presents?"

"Not till Tuesday," I explained to her. "I got him that new book I saw him oogling," I whispered to her in case Jess decided to come back in.

"I'm enjoying this," Rory smiled at me. "So am I," I told her.

Rory handed me a glass of white wine. "Me and Logan might go to Asia in the summer."

"Whoa," I gaped. "China, Thailand, Vietnam, maybe Japan," Rory told me. "That sounds amazing," I squealed with excitement.

"So, do you and Jess have holiday plans?" Rory asked me. "We're going on a road trip in July," I told Rory. "All around the US of A."

"Summers have been amazing for us," she pointed out. "There was California, Europe, Florida, Europe again," I listed.

"We have had amazing times," she smiled and we clinked our glasses.


"That dinner was amazing Logan," I told him. "Best lobster I've had."

"She usually hates sea food," Jess pointed out. "I made an exception but that's it," I put my hands up in surrender.

Later that night, me and Jess were wrapped in blankets by the fire. We exchanged presents anyway and I got a lovely charm bracelet and I lay my head on Jess' shoulder.

"I'm actually having a good time," he told me. "Logan's not a complete putz."

"I'm glad to hear that," I mumbled, nuzzling in closer. "You falling asleep on me Gilmore?" Jess asked.

"No, I'm waking up on you," I snarked as I was slowly drifting off. "Come on, into bed," Jess picked me up and carried me over.

I woke up the next morning to see Jess smiling. "Your sister made us breakfast, in bed."

I grinned and I sat up. "Chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate syrup, yum!"

We were sitting up and diving into the food, Rory made me a hot chocolate with extra cream instead of coffee, which I prefer on a Sunday. We jumped once we heard a door slam.

The door burst open and me and Jess were spooked to see who had barged in.

Mitchum Huntzberger. "You!" he hissed at me. "Where's my son?!"

"I'm not his mother!" I exclaimed.

He glared at me before storing out. "LOGAN!" he yelled.

"That's the.." Jess muttered. "Guy who paid me to shut my mouth because he pushed me onto a chair that smashed, yep," I rolled my eyes.

I could see rage boiling up inside Jess and I grabbed his arm before he did anything stupid. "Don't, he's not worth it and he could sue you in a heartbeat," I told him.

He relaxed and I let go of him.

There was yelling and an array of door slamming. Mom poked her head around my door. "We're getting the boot, start packing."

Me and Jess packed up our things. "It was fun while it lasted," I spoke up.

"Yeah, it was," he mumbled.

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