as soon as the bell rang luna was dragging me to physics, what a great way to start off my day. physics was pretty boring, we just sat there and did physicsy stuff, next i had gym class which was my first class without luna. luna made me have a dramatic goodbye with her. this girl.

i sighed walking into the gymnasium. i saw a blonde boy sitting on the bleachers alone, he gave off a weird vibe. he intimidated me without even looking at me. i can't read him, he gives off such a weird vibe.

i shook off the weird feeling i had and sat far far away from him. i still feel his energy over here god damn. i took my phone and my airpods out searching for a good song. i put on we think too much by lil peep, it was a pretty good song and it had a lot of emotion. it wasn't my usual type of music but i still enjoyed it. apparently gym was cancelled today because the teacher was sick and they couldn't find a sub fast enough.

i sighed and looked over at the boy who was already staring at me intensely. i quickly looked away, my cheeks flushing red.

as gym finished i pulled my schedule out to see what i had next, bio. great. two classes without luna in a row.

i sighed walking into the classroom. i sat in an empty seat and watched the rest of the people flow in. bio was surprisingly uneventful, the last few minutes of class i checked my schedule. study hall. this is where luna wanted me to meet whoever was gonna be with her. as the bell rung i stood up waking over to the lgi room, which was where study hall was held.

i walked in seeing luna with a group of people, one of those people being the blonde haired boy. great. luna noticed me walk in and ran up to me hugging me "you're so dramatic l we saw each other an hour ago" i spoke out of breath from almost being suffocated "sorry i missed my best friend" she said frowning "ouch" a boy behind her said, he had light brown skin and curly hair. he sounded gay. she dragged me to the group who sat down in a circle "everyone this is ayla" she showcased me like one of those antique auctions.

i smiled sheepishly as everyone stared at me. the blonde hair boy stared at me in a different way than the others. anger? i don't know. "that's joshua or josh or joshy whatever you want to call him, that's gustav or gus, that's mikey or mike, and well i'm luna but you know that. we are the study buddies" she said pointing to each of them as she said their name. gustav, interesting. i nodded my head "jazz is sick today so you can't see him"

the group talked but i didn't pay attention i was looking out the window thinking about everything. gustav, luna, jazz? another boy with a weird name or was it a girl? "helloooo ayla" luna said waving her hand in front of my face "did you hear anything i just said" she questioned me "oh um no sorry i was just" i took a pause and looked at gustav "thinking"
i finished off my sentence "mhm" she hummed not believing me "anyways there's a party tonight, you coming?" i shrugged "sure we can crash at my place afterwards it's pretty big" i offered "great gus will pick you up at 7" gus? i glared at her, she winked. i looked over at gus. why won't he stop staring at me? i shifted uncomfortably.

gus didn't speak either.

"give me your number" gus said breaking the silence between us

i nodded and took his phone from him

i punched in my number making the contact name 'ayla💛🙀'

he'll probably change it but it's whatever. i handed him back the phone and he smiled at the name i put.

i received a ding from my phone in my back pocket.

moody - lil peepHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin