Ready Set, Not Yet

Start from the beginning

Here we stand
At the end of a 10-year plan
A house, a yard, a minivan
A baby should be next

Barbara gripped Adams shirt tightly in her fist and tried to block out the sound of the baby talk. It still hurt her that she never got to be the mother that she dreamed of being for so many years. Adam gently rubbed his wife's back and started playing with her hair, which he knew always calmed her down. They'd always pushed their past problems aside and got on with life, and they still intended to do that. They didn't want their friends worrying about them or pitying them, they just wanted to forget about it all together.

Together let's leap off the cliff

'Little did they now...' murmured Beetlejuice

Fall forever, then smash to bits
Trapped in a terrifying viper pit
Of diapers and regret
Are we willing to take the next step? 
Ready, set
Ready, set
Not yet
Not yet
Why rush?
Why rush?
Soon enough, our hopes and our dreams will be crushed. 
But not yet!

'Ya know' said Delia, speaking up for the first time in a while 'These two people would actually make an extremely cute couple. They're so dorky and sweet and actually exactly like the real Maitlands'

'We cannot sing like that' said Barbara 'Thats for sure'

'I wanna see you guys try at least' said Lydia 

'Another time' said Adam, turning back to the screen

'Boring...' muttered Lydia and Beetlejuice

Not yet!
Not now
Not now
We can't start a family in a house with creaky floorboards

'Little did we know' said Adam 

'I wonder how they will represent falling through a floor on a stage show?' asked Lydia 

'Good question' said Charles 'It would actually be extremely difficult and challenging to pull something like that off'

'Well theres one way to find out' said Delia 'Lets watch'

You are absolutely right. Let's add it to the list
With the cracks in the plaster
The wi-fi should be faster
This sofa needs a castor
The bathroom's a disaster! 
What about global poverty?
What about world peace?
Then there's the whole darn economy
The whole Middle East

'You seriously think you can fix that?' asked Beetlejuice

'We never said that' said Barbara

We should learn Mandarin
Or Spanish at least. 
No habla español
Dos cervezas por favor

'What does that translate to?' asked Barbara

'Um, something about not speaking Spanish and wanting to beers please' said Delia 

'Thats golden' said Lydia, laughing

And that's all we got
And that's not a lot
Do we want a bilingual household or not? 
So let's go slow
No breaking a sweat
What's the point of having children
If we're drowning in debt? 

'Good point' said Charles 

Now we're totally
Maybe eighty percent
I'd say seventy-eight, 
Ready to take
The next step (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah Yeah!)

'Seriously?' asked Adam, looking down at Beetlejuice 'A bucket of popcorn and a drink? And 3D glasses?'

'Its not the real me' said Beetlejuice 'But I do like this guys style' 

The next step (Zooby dooby dooby, dooby dop and bow!)
The next step (Zweeby, beeby, boo-bah-bah-dee!)
The next step
Ready, set let's- 

'I can't believe they pulled that off' said Delia 'That actually looks so realistic'

'It does' agreed Charles and Lydia 

'I like it' said Beetlejuice. The Maitlands remained silent and hugged each other close, not liking seeing how they died recreated on stage

See I wasn't kidding
It's a show about death!

'Well, that was charming' said Beetlejuice 'Next one?'

'Hold on' said Lydia 'Are you guys ok with watching this still? You seem kinda uncomfortable and sad' she looked at the Maitlands, who smiled back at her

'No, we're fine' said Adam 'Theres something we should tell you guys but it can wait for another time. Don't mind us, we're really enjoying this'

'Yeah, we are' said Barbara 'Now, onto the next song!'

~AN: I hope you enjoyed. I'm thinking about putting in a couple of reactions to cut songs. ~

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