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"What about this one?" Blair sighs, showing Belle a sheet of paper.
"Too short," Belle mimics Blair's sigh, taking a spoonful of yoghurt, "I'm never going to find someone."
"Oh shush, B, we've got stacks here, we'll find someone," Blair says, gesturing at the pile of papers.
"I swear the only person without a date who's even a tiny bit good enough is Chuck! And I'd rather go with no date than with my twin brother."
"Understandable," Blair sighs, "but don't worry, I'm sure there's someone."
Belle puts her head in her hands.
"Honey," Blair says, putting her arm round her, "we'll find someone! What about one of the boys from Paris?"
"I don't want one of the boys from Paris!"
"Oh B, I know."
Blair gets up, "I have to go now, but Serena will be here soon to help you with the rest of these. You'll be okay?"

"Serena, the only boy I want to go with is Nate and I know the whole thing with him is never, ever going to happen."
"You know that's not true, he told you he loved you, you lost your virginity to him, you-"
"And Blair doesn't know, and she never can know! She'd kill me, she'd actually kill me."
"I know, I told you, she'll never hear it from me," Serena says, pushing Belle's hair back behind her headband.
"I know, it's just-"

And she starts to remember that night.

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