If anything happens to his lover, to Chimon, Pluem knows he will act crazy, mad. If anything happens to his brothers no matter how hard it is, Pluem will back them up no matter what.

He knows Tae and Pavel are hurt too right now. They have their reasons to act like this.

Sighs can be heard here and there.

"Don't be scared. I'm not a bad person. At least, not to you." The boy says.

Yesterday, there are people who kidnapped him at the supermarket. Tee still remembers how Dome and Krist fight them but they still lose to the people. He remembers how helpless he feels when aren't able to do anything to help Dome and Krist. 

Tee remembers that he has been sedated that make him lose conscious. When he is awake, he is here lying on the bed of this room of white. Everything in the room is white and Tee actually hates it. He has been locked in the room. People came in to only give him some food and drinks.

Tee looks at the boy, still sitting at the corner of the bed, his back lean on the wall.

"Why are you avoiding me? I swear I am a good boy!" The boy asks, stomping his feet in frustration. Tee still doesn't move.

"Come on, P'. Let's go out. The others have been waiting for us." The boy tries to convince Tee more.

"Bas!" Another boy comes into the room.

"P'Copter. P'Tee won't come with me!" The boy named Bas complains to the boy who just entered with pouts.

Copter looks at Tee.

"P', let's go and eat." Copter tries to convince Tee softly. Tee shakes his head.

"Aww, P'. You didn't touch any single food since yesterday. Please, let's go out to eat and meet others as well." Tee looks at the two boys. It has been more than an hour since Bas trying to convince him to go out. And now, here comes another boy.

"P'Tae." The name comes out of Tee's mouth. Copter looks at him.

"I promise if you go out with us and eat, I will tell P'Darvid to come here." Copter says more. Tee looks at Copter, still skeptical. Copter nods in assuring Tee.

"Let's go out, na." Bas joins to persuade Tee.

Tee sighs. He stands up from the bed. Copter and Bas finally can smile.

Every eye at the table is looking at Tee. There are the totals of 6 people at the table including Tee. Two of them are Bas and Copter. A seat at the center is the only one left unoccupied.

Everyone is trying to talk to Tee but he just doesn't interest in them. They only stop talking when an old man comes and occupy the seat. It's obvious to Tee that the old man is the leader of the house.

"Welcome home, Tee." The old man says. Tee is sitting at his right. Both of them didn't spare glance for each other at all.

Tee frowns.

"Where am I?" Tee asks.

"Home." The old man answers. Tee sighs.

"This is not home." Tee says. He looks at the untouched food in his plate.

"I hate it." Tee says more. 

Everyone gulps hearing Tee, ready for the old man's madness. The old man laughs instead.

"You're the heir, you can do whatever you want to make this feels home." He says.

Tee frowns more. He looks at the old man.

"What heir?" He asks.

"You're the heir of Jarujitranon."

Tee sighs. He doesn't know what nonsense this old man is talking about.

"I want P'Tae." Tee says. The old man looks at Tee at the mention of that man.

"Why do you need him?"

"He is my home."

A/N: See you on Monday..

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