The Three Boys

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Dear Romeo, don't get too attached.
It's like the story goes. We're both gonna end up dead.
from Cynthia...
To my Romeo..

It was a dark day. My grandfather just died. And
I'm standing at his funeral. I cried seven times before coming here. My name's Cynthia. And I'm twelve years old. I felt my eyes starting to water. Tears went down my cheek. I started to cry. I ran off crying making a commotion. Two months later Im laying in my bed bored and lonely. I'm home alone and I live with my uncle. He doesn't care about me or what I do. When I'm sad I get high. And i'm really fucking high. My eyes turn red and I start coughing. I look out my window and it's completely  white. It was snowing! I stare out my window and think to myself, I should commit suicide, by jumping out this window. I open up my window and the cold air rushes into my room. Snowflakes fall down into my room as well. I sighed. And then I jumped out of my window. I fall and land on the hard concrete. I think my backs broken. I lay there looking up into the sky. "I'm alive.." I Said. I can't move. I think I might just die after all. I close my eyes and lay there. Then I wake up in a hospital with two nurses and my uncle. Apparently I did break my back! I wanna fucking die. A month later and I'm still alone. I'm roaming the streets in the wintertime. Snowflakes fall down and gently fall into my hair. I see the bike trails that lead into the woods. I take one. I'm walking on a bike trail. Alone. In the white winter. Ok...
I spotted something glowing in the distance. It's glowing green. I run towards it. I pick it up and it's jewelry. It's a heart made out of gold. And it's glowing green. The more I hold it, the more I feel. My whole bodies tingling. I feel...

I feel better.

I feel...
I feel someone tapping me!
I turned around to see a girl.
Her poofy Afro was green and she had green eyes and green lipstick. "Hello!" Said the girl. The girl was dressed in fancy old timey clothes. "Hi.." I Said. "Your hurting aren't you.." Said the girl. I gave her a weird look. "You gonna meet some people." Said the girl.

"Three boys."

Said the girl..again.
"Who?" I asked. "One of the boys will teach you love..and how to care for others. The other will teach you how to be brave and adventurous and how to fight. The other one will teach you about being happy, relaxed." Said the girl. "..." I was silent. She's such a weirdo. She thinks she can just appear outta nowhere and tell me about some boys that I'll never meet! Screw her. "Screw you!" I say as I push her out of the way and run off. I keep running and I never look back. I still have the heart. This is my life.. I run away from things. Always. I then hear voices. I see three boys. One hearing a red coat. And the other wearing a black hollister hoodie. And the other wearing a ramen noodle sweatshirt!? Okay what the fuck is going on here! The one in the ramen noodles sweatshirt is Jamesly. The one in the red coat is Louis. The one in the hollister hoodie is Joe. How do I know this!? How do I know their names!? I don't even know them!! The one in the ramen noodles shirt turned around and looked at me. I stopped. I smiled at him. Kinda. He turned around and a second later all three of them looked back at me. I froze. Literally. I'm cold! "Hello!" Yelled Jamesly. "Uh..hi?" I said. "Wooooorlldddstarrr!?" Yelled Joe. "Worldstarr??" I Replied. The three of them laughed. I laughed. I ran up towards them. I got a closer look at them. "Hi." I said. "Hi." They said. Is it just me or is Joe hot as hell? Oh well.
"You need a coat." Said Louis. "Here." Said Joe as he took his hoodie off and handed it to me. I was only wearing a red short sleeved shirt. I took the jacket and put it on. "Thanks." I Said. "No problem." Said Joe. Me and joe gazed into each other's eyes. "Uhhhhhhhhh..." Said Jamesly. "This is weird.." Said Louis. "What are you doing outside?" I asked.

"I'm hungry!" Said Joe

"Joe wants a little snack!" Said Louis.

"Exploring." Said Jamesly.

"Cool." I Said. "Care to join us?" Asked Joe. "No.." I Said. The four of us kept walking on the trail. "So where are we going?" I Asked. "Kum and go." Said Jamesly. "We aren't going to Kum and Go! We're going to The dollar store!" Said Joe. "But I like Kum and go!" Said Jamesly. "Kum and Go, more like, ejaculate and evacuate!" Said Louis. I laughed. "Fine." Said Jamesly. I think I found friends. We walk in the snow. The sky is white. Everything is white.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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