||||The Airport||||

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We The Girls🥰🤪🤩🥳😈

Girl where are u?!


We cannot see you young lady!

Look behind you🙈


Gracie had just landed in LAX airport and she couldn't wait to see her family and friends again. She just finished her music tour last night in New York City and she was exhausted. It was around 12 am when she landed so when she heard her friends and big brother were coming to pick her up a wave of energy rolledover her.

"GRACIE!" she knew that voice. .

"JJ!" she missed her brother so damn much. Eventhough her brother was a little overprotective and didn't let her live her own life sometimes they were all eachother had so it was hard being away from him. Then she turned and saw Liv and Leila.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" she missed her friends so much. They had been together since diapers so being  apart was so foreign for the three girls.

"I missed you guys so fucking much." Gracie said and hugged the two girls. They were together until they were broken up by Asher and Jordan.

"Ahem" Asher fake coughed. Asher was one of her really good friends but also tended to be protective like another brother. She quickly hugged him and turned to the boy next to Asher. Jordan Baker.

Jordan and Gracie went way back. You could tell that they loved each other from a mile away but things just didn't work out for them. They quickly broke up after deciding that they couldn't do this to their siblings. Olivia's adiction was getting bad and the both had to be there for her and thought it would be best if they stayed friends. Jordan didn't want to hold her back from pursuing her music career and JJ would definitely kill them. They still loved each other but decied that sometimes things couldn't go their way.

"Hey Gracie May" she loved it when Jordan would call her by her full name.

"Hey J" it was their first time talking in months and she hated to admit that she missed it terribly.

"Ok so can we go home now?" JJ said cutting the tension. He knew that they liked each other and he would be lying if he said he didn't mind.

"Yeah let's go I'm tired. I'll see you guys at school." I liked seeing my friends but I really missed my house, espically my bed. I said bye to everyone then practically ran to the car with all the energy I had left.


JJ and I quickly got to the car and started our drive back home. It was really quiet in the car until about 20 minutes into the drive when he decided to say something.

"Hey you know I only want whats best for you right?" JJ may seem like a big, dumb, goofball but when he wants to be serious he'll be serious.

"Yeah of course. Why?"

"Is there something going on between you and Jordan? Because it seemed like there was back at the airport. You can tell me I won't be mad." I had a feeling that he would say something about it. I knew that he wouldn't be thrilled if there wasn't anything for him to be worried about.

"No JJ there is nothing between us. You know if anything even happened you would be the first person I would tell, but there's nothing. Okay?"

"Ok" he smiled "I just worry about losing you." he turned into the driveway of the house.

"You won't loose me JJ don't worry." I assured him. He smiled at me and said goodnight.

I got quickly went into the house and as soon as I sat on my bed I couldnt help but wonder.



                                               There's nothing to worry about. Right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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