Draco can't sleep.

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                        (Hey guys! Heres the next chapter tells me what you think! :) )   

"Shit!" Draco said waking up from a dream. he was panting. not from fear but from the sexiness of his dream. He had a full-on hard-on. It was painful. Draco scrubbed a hand over his face. He couldn't believe it. Harry James Potter was in his dreams. But not in an enemy like way. Rather, in a sexy and lust way. This shocked Draco. There was no point in going back to sleep so Draco slipped on his black jeans and a white t-shirt. Walking barefoot out of the room.

"What is wrong with me?"

He asked the cold air in his house. His mother and father weren't home. He was supposed to be at the Hogwarts dorm but teleported home. Blaise talked in his sleep. How was Draco supposed to get his beauty sleep if Blasie wouldn't shut up? Draco sighed. Looking up he saw the stars. They seemed so close now. Am I in love? he asked himself.



The stars looked so damned close. I wanted to touch them so badly. That thought made a memory of my dream come back to me


My hand was holding Harry's soft face, caressing his cheek with my thumb. His lips looked so soft and inviting. "Draco," he said softly almost pleading. It seemed like a moment from a fairy tale.


I closed my eyes, trying to forget the memory. Why did I want him? I have never liked him in a sexual way. He has always been beautiful everyone knows, His raven black hair and his pale skin. His eyes. I could find myself looking at them sometimes when we passed in the halls. I will never forgive my father for making me hate him. I have never hated him. My father is just a controlling asshole. Ever since I met him, I wanted to be his friend. After everything I did to him, would he forgive me? I was done doing what my father says. My mother thinks he walks on water. He's a bastard. Tomorrow I will talk to him. I need to know why I like him.

"Tomorrow Harry," I whispered to my self as a promise.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm a busy person. Anyways. Please comment and tell me how it went!



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