"It was really good mom.. little one is cooking away lovely in there" I giggle, rubbing my bump as Leo squeals when he sees my moms dog. "Doggie!" He fidgets to get down so I rest him on the floor, laughing a bit as he runs after the dog, going outside with her.

"I'm glad sweetheart. Did you find out the sex?" She grins at me and I reach into my bag, waving the envelope about. "There's a piece of paper In here that tells me.. we didn't speak about finding out the gender so She wrote it down" I pout and she goes to reach for it but I move it, stuffing it back into my bag. "Hey let me see!" She pouts, handing me a coffee.

"Noooo.. if me and Jamie wanna know the gender then we'll look, if not I'll mail it to you" I laugh a bit and she huffs. "No fair... I think you're having a girl" she winks and I grin shyly, lifting Leo to sit on my knee as he comes through to us from being outside.
"I think it's a girl.. everything's different to how it was with Leo.. my bump isn't the same shape, the sickness is practically nonexistent" I giggle shyly.

My mom grins and I smile shyly, drinking my coffee as we chat about little things. She fills me in on her book club she's recently joined with Tippi, we speak a bit about work for me and how long I have until maternity. "Jamie's told them he won't be working for a good few months when this ones here aswell, I'll need all the help I can get" I laugh a bit.

"Well you know we're all just a call away if you need help" my mom smiles warmly, taking my coffee mug when I'm finished. "I know, thank you so much mama.." I stand up, kissing her cheek before reaching for my phone when it beeps. It's a text from Jamie.

'Fancy picking me up from work? xx'

'Be there soon ❤️'

"Jamie needs me to pick him up so I'm going to shoot off" I hug her tightly as Leo pets the dog goodbye. "Thank you for watching Leo.. I love you mama" I kiss her cheek when we pull away. "Anytime! love you too darling" she lifts Leo up when we've pulled away, smothering his face in kisses.

"You be good for mommy and daddy okay? Nanny loves you" she gives him a hug and he giggles. "Nanny!" He squeals when she puts him down. "Come on then, wave bye bye to nanny?" I wave to my mom as we get outside and Leo copies me, grinning over to my mom as I strap him into his car seat.

Leo babbles away to me on our way to pick Jamie up. I haven't got a clue what he's saying but I listen and reply back to him anyway, because it makes him the happiest. I giggle when he squeals for his daddy as I pull up outside the studios and wait for Jamie. "It's so exciting, we've missed daddy haven't we?" I giggle, leaning to the back of the car to stroke his cheek.

I grin when I catch Jamie exiting the doorway. He jogs over to us. "Miss daddy!" Leo shouts and I chuckle, watching as Jamie opens the door, laughing. "I missed you too Leo" he grins, getting in and putting his seatbelt on before leaning behind and kissing Leo's head; causing him to giggle.

"Okay baby?" He rests his hand on my thigh and I get the craziest butterflies. "I'm good, are you? How was work?" I lean over to kiss him gently before starting the car and driving us home. "It was the same as usual.. I missed my favourite people like always" he grins over, taking my hand and entwining our fingers.

"How's your mom?" He asks me and I chuckle. "She's her usual self.. she loved having Leo" I smile at him and he grins. "Good.. did he behave?" He asks and I nod. "Good as gold" I say, chuckling as Leo babbles from the back seat. The only things making sense in his story are 'mommy' and 'daddy'.

"So, the girls are coming on Saturday, I think we should tell them about the baby, as you're showing a little bit more now" he looks over to me and I smile shyly, nodding, "okay.. sounds good. Maybe we could tell them in a different way, something to get them excited over it?" I ask. "Yeah okay, we have a few days to plan it yet" he squeezes my hand and I smile a bit, nodding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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