“Don’t give me that, you’ve been crying for fuck sake” he slumped down on my bed

“Like I said, nothing is wrong” he walked over to me, grabbed my shoulders to make me face him then stared directly into my tearful eyes

“Just tell me! Was it that woman?” I shook my head “Then what!” tears began to fall from my eyes again, I closed my eyes and shook my head to get him to let me go “Please”

“I’m afraid ok!” I screamed at him

“It’s ok” he cooed as he began to hug me, I opened my eyes and sighed “You don’t have to be afraid of them when you’re with me”

“It’s not that” He pulled back to look at me, if I didn’t move now then I would spill everything. I couldn’t let him take advantage of me. I couldn’t let him know. But looking into those eyes I began to melt inside, tears poured from my eyes but I didn’t try to stop them, it was time to tell him… it needed to be said “I’m afraid that I’m falling in love with you”

“W-What?” I nodded solemnly and turned my head away from him; he lightly grabbed my chin and tilted it toward him. He closed his eyes and leaned in toward me, my cheeks began to burn and I too closed my eyes. Our lips met and a tiny explosion erupted in my mind, slowly I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him in close, his tongue swept my bottom lip to seek entrance which I gladly gave to him. His hands wrapped around my waist and he picked me up and began to spin, breaking away I burst out laughing and he smiled at me.

“I love you” he muttered as he gently put me down

“I love you too” I whispered shyly “I was afraid to admit to it”


“Because I’ve been hurt way too many times before… I didn’t want to fall into that trap again” he leaned down and our foreheads touched, I closed my eyes and smiled. It was out in the open. I didn’t have to hide it anymore. I just hoped it would last.

  A knock on the door startled us both, it was the servant Eli. As usual he had a glum expression on his face as he bowed.

“Forgive the intrusion, but Lady Anna wishes to have a word with the young miss in the Study. She urges you to hurry and for Master Dante to return to the ball. No exceptions” he bowed and made his leave. Shrugging our shoulders we made our way downstairs. He kissed me on the lips one finally time before we went slightly separate ways. Anna was stood facing the window in her study; her face shone in the moonlight and showed the concerned expression that masked her face. She turned around to face me but her expression did not change, hopefully I hadn’t angered her with my sudden leave.

“Sit down child” she urged. Once I was seated she folded her arms and sighed “Do you know why I summoned you?”

“If it was about my leave and the way I did it, I’m sorry”

“It wasn’t that, but I appreciate your apology. It’s about the necklace you wear around your neck”

“This?” I said touching it, she nodded “What about it?”

“Where did you get it?”

“It was in the box of possessions my mother left me” I breathed “My real mother. I didn’t tell anyone except Dante of course because I didn’t think it was anyone else’s concern”

“I can understand that child, but was there an explanation with it?”

“There was a letter explaining everything. She told me this was meant to show that I was of nobility. That I should wear it at all times” she walked over and sat down next to me

“Nobility is right my dear” she closed her eyes and sighed before opening them and continuing “It’s the pendant the Queen gave her youngest daughter”


“Yes child, that pendant is the mark of Royalty, what was your mother’s name?”

“Aurora” I muttered but stared wide eyed as she gasped “What?”

“Then it is… you are the child of the tenth royal Princess Aurora Romanovski” I shook my head and clasped my hand around the pendant. This was ridiculous. There was not a chance in hell that she was right.

“You have got to be joking!”

“I most certainly am not! Why would I joke about a thing like that!?”

“Why did that one vampire in there call me scum then?”

“You are still not a vampire my dear. And Armand and I did find it strange when you first arrived to bear the same resemblance as her. You could be twins for heaven’s sake” I was of royalty? Well there was something that I never would have expected.

“How do you know the royals?”

“I told you before. My husband and his family are old friends with them. It is most informal but an honour none the less”

“You said she was the tenth? How many are there? Who are they? What happened?”

“Easy there” she laughed “Now, there are ten heirs to the king and queen, in order of age there is Ivan, Adrik, Nina and Nikki the twins, Daniil, Rosa, Alexei, Tristan, Soraya and finally your mother Aurora “I nodded, trying to take in the names “And at the age of 1,010 your mother fell in love with a mortal man whom no one knows the name of. As her father tried to ban her from seeing him, she denied their name to run off with him. Upon learning of her disappearance King Roman knew he had lost her forever. Everyone in the kingdom knew she was his favourite child though he would never admit to such a thing. He grew very distant and very quiet; he even stopped talking of her after a while”

“That’s so sad” I muttered

“It is, but even the king’s enemies dared not face him. For a Vampire enraged is dangerous, but a vampire that grieves is deadly and much worse. To make things worse the kingdom soon learned that Aurora and her lover had been attacked by a bunch of slayers. No one knew if she had even survived”

“She did” I muttered “She went into hiding to give birth to me, then handed me over to James and Jane in hopes that I would lead a better life that what she could give. She is still in hiding I just know it” Anna tapped my hand gently and smiled

“You must not say a word to my son about any of this; I know he plans to take you away after tonight. He wants to treat you. But should you wish to contact the royals…”

“No” I cut her off “My family is here, I have just told Dante my feelings too” she reached over and hugged me gently, I wrapped my arms around her and held back more tears that threatened to fall, she had always been like a mother to me. Right from the start.

“That means a great deal to me child. But if your mother wishes to come out of hiding I know she shall soon. The streets are not safe anymore”

“Were they ever?” I joked and she laughed “If she does arrive, then she does. I’m not too bothered”

“Now then, shall we return to the ball?” she asked as she stood up, I nodded and followed her out. Trying to get the information 

ShadowsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora