Lauren: funny joke y/n. You don't have any friends!!

Anthony: yes she fucking does Lauren.

Kayla whispered to Anthony:

Kayla: don't get involved.

Anthony: I'm sorry Kayla but they can't be treating her like that, it's not right.

I was so sick of them picking on me at this point so I got up and walked right up to Lauren.

Y/n: you know what

Lauren: ew get away from me.

Y/n: I'm sick of you picking on me for fuck all.

I pushed her into the water and her makeup got ruined and her clothes got soaked. It felt so good to finally get revenge on her after the last 2 years she spent picking on me.

I turned to Amber and April and they backed away from me, Lauren's face dropped.

Kayla, Anthony, Jaden, Josh and me tried not to laugh.

Lauren got up and pulled me by my hair.


I elbowed her in the chest and she let go of my hair and came straight back at me and pushed me.

I didn't fall, instead I went for her and Kayla grabbed me before I could do anything else and Anthony grabbed Lauren.

Lauren: Get off of me!!

My teeth clenched and I tried pulling away from Kayla but she wouldn't let go.

I calmed down a little and Kayla let go so I stormed off and everyone watched me leave.

Addison followed and grabbed me gently by my arm.

Addison: hey!! You don't hafto go!

Y/n: it's fine, I'm gonna go home and see Quinton.

Addison: you sure? I can ask one of the boys to give you a ride home if you want?

Y/n: nah it's fine.

Addison: okay.

I put on a smile and turned around and left and Addison went back.

I went to the bus stop and waited for the next bus to come. All I needed now was for Cynthia or Alex to show up out of the blue and then I would flip.

And then I car slowed down and stopped at the bus stop. I had spoken too soon. It was Alex.

He opened the window and looked over at me.

Alex: damn what's up with you?

Y/n: Alex, leave me alone.

Alex: alright I'm just asking. I'd give you a ride if you wasn't soaking wet.

Y/n: i wouldn't get a ride with you if it depended on my life.

Alex: no need to be so bitchy y/n.

He drove off and I sighed.

I waited for another 30 minutes at the bus stop and the bus still didn't show up.

Y/n: fuck this.

I got up and decided I was going to walk.

I called Quinton. I needed to hear his voice. It might make me calm down a little.

Quinton: heyy

Y/n: hey Q

Quinton: you want me to come see you?

Y/n: actually I'm not gonna be back for another 2 hours-ish.

Quinton: why not? It's 3:55 now!

Y/n: I got into a fight with Lauren and left. I was supposed to get a bus back but it didn't show up.

Quinton: awh baby. What happened? I would come and get you but Alex has the car.

Y/n: I know, I seen him and I'll explain what happened when I get back.

Quinton: okay baby. If Alex is back in time I will come and get you and was he okay with you?

Y/n: he was being okay but I was a bitch to him.

Quinton: I don't blame you haha.

Y/n: yeah

I laughed.

Quinton: I'm gonna hafto go because I'm in the middle of helping my mum but I'll call you back.

Y/n: okay bye baby.

Quinton: bye, be safe, I love you.

Y/n: I love you too.

He ended the call and I carried on walking. I was in a slightly better mood because I had spoken to Quinton and so I didn't think of the walk to be as much as a drag anymore.

The boy nextdoor // Quinton GriggsWhere stories live. Discover now