Chapitre 6

579 18 13

25th of December 2020

The first thing you saw as you opened your eyes was your alarm, indicating 01:11 pm in fluorescent numbers. You stirred and watched your ceiling. You felt weird, between sad and angry.

You frowned; comparing to the past mornings, the flat was a bit too calm to be normal. You got up and opened your door; the blankets were on the ground, empty.


No answers. You headed towards the window and checked your balcony. "Nikki?"

No answers. You crossed your living room and opened the bathroom. "Jon?"

No answers. You didn't know why, but your stomach tightened.

That's when you turned your head that you saw it: a post-it was put on the front door, with "See you tonight!" written on it, signed by the three.


Axl passed his hand into his hair and said: "Ok. I'll sing."

The three boys were in the improvised wings of the book shop. Every shelf had been moved, leaving a huge space for a dancefloor. A stage had been put in height, huge curtains at the sides. The part where the cashier usually stood had been transformed into a bar.

Jon scoffed: "Why you? I'm a singer too." Axl rolled his eyes. He wanted to say something burning, but stopped. "We need to find witch song." Nikki removed his head from the curtains and joined the others. "It's between both of you guys. I don't sing."

Jon raised his shoulders: "If you could sing, you could have done You're All I Need."

"Jon, it's a song about a murder-"

"I think I have an idea."

Jon and Nikki stopped and looked at Axl. The ginger carried on: "You don't know it, it hasn't aired yet."

The bassist frowned: "How do you want us to play it, then? Don't be pissy and let's pick a song we know."

"You'll follow me. The major part is on the piano, where I'll play. Nikki, just put the beat like you know." He cocked an eyebrow to the disguised compliment. "And Jon, play when you feel it."

The blond hummed. "Alright. Find instruments." Axl raised an eyebrow. "Did you just give me an order-"

"I have one thing to do." He let the two others there and stormed on the other side of the curtain.

Axl huffed and glanced at Nikki. "We have to be good. We've got things to repair."


You pushed the double doors and eyed the room. A stage was standing at the end of the room, and all projectors were directed on it, leaving the dancefloor in dim light. You could recognize some face here and there, but didn't want to talk to anybody right now.

You headed to the bar at the side, but shook your head when the barman went to you. Your throat was knotted. You were even wondering why you were there. You blamed yourself to be so touched by the situation, but your heart was taking the lead on your reason, and you gave up resonate yourself. For the last days, you felt like you were the spectator of your life.

You turned on your stool and mindlessly eyed the stage. What- You squinted. The man at the piano-

The more you looked at the musicians, the more you felt your whole circle was there. Axl was sat at the piano, eyeing people in the room. Nikki entered and grabbed a bass. Your gaze got attracted to the black curtains that were moving. It opened and... Mike literally got ejected from behind.

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