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TW // Panic attack and Drug abuse

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TW // Panic attack and Drug abuse

"I'M REALLY SORRY," I moan as he disinfects the floor. He sighs, standing up and checking over his work. "I'm 5'10 and only weigh like, 20 pounds. This was bound to happen one day."

Sebastian goes into his bathroom and washes his hands before returning to me. "Don't mention it. Last time I was drunk I nearly went splat on the concrete. I owed you one. Just don't let it happen again, okay?"

"No argument here," I say, leaning back on his bed and sighing. He sits next to me, his side unintentionally touching my waist.

"Are you sober?" he murmurs, bunching his hands up in his lap.

I smirk goofily. "I'm moderately functional."

"So that's a no, then," he mumbles. "Will your aunt freak if you sleep over here again?"

I shake my head. "She's a surgeon. She's doing a 78-hour surgery." I giggle. "Maybe it was only 28 hours. Either way, she won't be home for a while."

I look over at him, his chiseled jawline, his sandy blonde hair, the small sunspots on his cheeks and the side of his neck. I'd known him for so long yet I hadn't noticed the small details. Had he always had a small cut along his left side jaw? Had his hair always curled at the part closest to the nape of his neck? Sebastian turns around and catches me looking, smiling surprisedly. "What?"

"Nothing," I answer quickly, tearing my eyes away from him and ignoring the fast beat of my heart at getting caught staring. "You should go back to the party," I murmur, voice quiet. "They're probably looking for you. It is your party."

"It's dying down, anyways," he says, shrugging it off easily. "I should go see if I can find your girlfriend, though. Make sure she knows you're safe and staying here."

I yawn, turning my head to the side. "She's not my girlfriend," I mumble as I sink into his insanely comfortable bed.

If he hears me, he doesn't respond. After a minute or two, I look up to find the room empty. Sighing, I curl up into a ball onto his bed and shut my eyes.

I liked this side of Sebastian, the sensitive and nurturing one. It was refreshing, almost. Definitely a rare occurrence. I was sure I'd only seen it once, when he got Nolan Walker off my case. But even then, he was kind when I wasn't watching. Now, it was all I could see.

I don't know how long I lay there waiting for him to come back. By the time he does, I'm practically fast asleep, breathing deeply.

I hear the door shut and a soft sigh. There's the sound of clothes rustling and then a dip in the bed as he takes something from it. A pillow, maybe?

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