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Virgil starts to say that isn't right Patton interrupted starts to say that Logan left his phone at home once and he went throw it. Him and Remus are dating behind my back. as Patton start to cry logan walk-in. hey, pa-whoa what wrong . Patton asks Virgil to leave Virgil walks out, and went to his room. logan walk to Patton and ask what was wrong . Patton starts to scream at logan, YOUR CHEATING! logan looked confused and ask where this is coming. As he is walking to the fridge to get water . Patton runs up to him and yells Logan Logic . How FRUITING LONG HAVE WE BEEN MARRIDE . Umm Like 7 year I qeuss . and this is going on For a year please logan . Why we were doing so good. yeah, for you .but pat we have 2 kids one is ours, and one a stepchild for me. Virgil is still a kid for you ok. I know what about Remy I know he's a dark side now but still are kids ok . But it hard for me and Remus don't what kids. What you don't what kids why hun. I am your husband and you are my husband so let not do this ok. Logan sigh and walk to the door.

you son of a bitch you cheat with my other dad Ex boyfreaind that is messed up ok Logan .I yelled as I yell You cheated on my fucking dad because you didnt what kid wow big wooped there. You never loved me or dad. I think if you love-,that good Virgl. But dad let me no you herd me. Ok I said I seen dad put his ring on the table and walk out. What dad where are you going. Vir I- Go away you hurt what left of this famliy.  ok that fine ok .

A/N Ok I am so sorry about this but here yall go.
word count 329

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