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Daichi waved as he left class. Pulling out a bag of mixed nuts, raisins and pretzels he began to munch down on his snack. Daichi was headed to ths gym to check out the new recruits for the basketball team. The women's basketball team that was

His little sister had expressed how she loved basektball and volleyball whenever he would practice around the house. She loved to play by bouncing the ball back and forth and even received a basketball for her birthday. Her favorite thing to do is have Daichi lift her up and help her shoot a hoop.

So with his curiousity peaked Daichi began to pay a bit more attention towards the females sports. Suga had left his class in time to see Daichi pass by. Waving he joined him in his walk.

"You checking out the basketball team? "

Suga asked Daichi. He nodded not wanting to speak through a mouth full of snacks. Suga offered him a small bag of juice he had brought having grabbed an extra.

Since Daichi had been drinking water all day he happily took the small bag I juice and used the straw to pop into its surface. A flavor of mango and banana bash washed over his tongue. It was a pleasant taste over an entire day of water.

"Hey guys!!! "

Turning around Suga and Daichi smiled at Hinata who came running up, his bag slung over his shoulders and bouncing slightly.

"Hey Hinata. You wanna join us and check out the Female basketball team? "

A bright smile came over his face as he nodded.

"Yeah I know someone who is joining! At least trying out. "

Daichi smiled and patted his back before continuing walking down the halls. It was pretty empty as everyone left and for a fast food restaurant on ducked into the cafeteria. They had a pretty good chance of getting to the gym and still have enough time to get lunch and eat before class.

"Who's the girl you know? "

Hinata smiled and a bounce became evident in his step. He began going on about how the girl he knew was the best at her sport and her spirit was always higher than the clouds.

The doors now in reach Daichi is a gentleman as usual and opens the door for the two. They walk in and as Daichi looks up to Hinata who was pointing to a girl not far in a very heated game.

"She's Ainu!! "

Watching the pretty short female movie like a pro around the court with her 5'4 height helping. She was fast but sturdy when running into other players. Her feet where precise and quick as she maneuvered around the others with ease.

Ainu had moves so quickly and so effectively she was already at the hoop and made a perfect shot. Laughing a girl much taller ran up and picked up Ainu from the place she stood, swinging her back and forth.

As they hugged Hinata yelled out Ainu's name and ran to her. Daichi was finally able to see her properly and not as a blur out on the court.

Medium hair bright orange with a sea foam green and blue dyed into her hair. The sides were shaved with several designs shaved into the short hairs and the orange being complimented by her pale skin tone.

Freckles looked as if they where an explosion of markings along her cheeks, shoulders, neck and arm. Her tank top also showed off a modest amount of skin covered in freckles too.

A few piercings had made home on Ainu. All in her ears except on. A piercing above her cupids bow that gently protruded from her upper lip and poked out between her lips. Something that might cause issues later.

She was gorgeous no doubt. And as Daichi got closer he caught one more glance at another piercing in her mouth. A tongue piercing with a pot leaf shaped ring. Interesting but nothing to judge her for.

"Guys!! This is my sister Ainu!! "

Daichi and Suga looked to each other surprised. Looking them over that's when they noticed the similarities. Freckles, bright orange hair, matching excited spirits, and the height. One thing separated them. Their eyes. Green eyes on Ainu and brown on Hinata.

"Damn you two look pretty similar. "

Ainu sticks her hand out smiling as her brother gawked at her and enthusiastically introducing them.

"I'm Ainu! As you can tell I'm his twin."

That also surprised them.

"Twins? Why didn't you tell us Hinata? "

The ginger male began stuttering and his sister laughed hugging him by the neck.

"He's jealous 'cuz I am the better twin."

That earned her a firm slap in her gut. Laughing and pushing him away Ainu caught a stray basketball. She threw it hard into her friend's chest making them laugh. The blue haired female left and started pushing around the others.

"It's very nice to meet you Ainu. I'm Suga and this is Daichi. "

Smiling she grasped Suga's hand and pulled him into a hug. And same for Daichi. She was such a kind person and her aura was absolutely positive compared to some of the others.

"Did you get on the team! "

Asked Hinata. He smiled and jumped up and down. Grasping something in her bag she pulled out a Jersey with the number three on it.

"YAY!! "

Picking up his sister Hinata squeezed his sister tightly. Laughing and hugging her brother back Ainu was dropped.

"This guy made the team too! "

Daichi clapped Hinata's shoulder making Ainu smile and wiggle her eyebrows at her brother.

"Bet you guys wish you had someone as tall as me there. "

Hinata grew red.


Ainu remains calm and shakes her head gently.

"I'm half an inch taller than ya! "

Laughing Daichi watches as Hinata tries to push around his sister. She was able to move out of the way seeming that's what was a huge part of her sport.

"You suck!! "

Hugging her brother Ainu kisses his cheek and ruffled his hair.

"C'mon.. You know I'd suck at volleyball and you would die in Basketball. "

Smiling Hinata looked to his team mates.

"Yeah that's true. "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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