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Charlotte's POV:

"So, Angel, aren't you coming in?" Harry grins cheekily, stepping back for me to come in.

I pout slightly,"I have a name, you know? It's Charlotte Star." I walk past him into the large house. It was surprisingly beautiful for a demon's house. There's many windows, making the whole house seem bright.

"Charlotte Star? Sounds like a porn star's name," Harry snorts in my ear. I flinch, stepping away from him. I'm shocked by his dirty words, so I make a face of disgust at him.

"Look, could you... not? We're going to get through this year of mentoring and then I'll be out of your stupid demon hair or horns or whatever it is you have," I say, waving my hands in his face.

He smirks,"Oh, you're a little salty, aren't you?

"No, I just don't enjoy demons that much," I shrug.

He pulls me into him by my waist,"Really? Who else have you met? Kim? Kanye? Oh no, you haven't met Louis have you? Love him but god he's a kinky little shit."

I pull myself away from him,"How would you know that?"

He winks,"That's for me to know and you to find out." I raise my eyebrow, confused as to what that's supposed to even mean. I walk to his kitchen, sitting at the island. I look around the counter, scanning every inch for a weapon he might have, but surprisingly there's nothing. It's silent between us for a few minutes. He's staring me down as I'm trying to avoid his gaze. Eventually I hear him sucking out the last few drops of his juice. I feel my eye twitch slightly because he seems to be doing it louder and louder while staring at me.

"What's your aim here, dude?" I snap as his sucking is almost deafening. He smirks as I snap. He jumps up, sitting on the counter and crossing his legs. I flinch as he does this. I bet that counter was clean before he sat on it.

"Whatever do you mean, Princess?" he asks, grabbing a banana behind him. Gosh, I wonder if he ever stops being noisy.

"This," I say, motioning to him and I,"Whatever this is. Why did you agree to mentor an angel? What do you get out of it?"

He shrugs, taking a bite of his banana after peeling it,"Change of scenery is nice. I find angels to be better company than demons. They don't argue, they take orders because they're afraid of doing anything that might anger people. But you? You intrigue me."

I raise an eyebrow, confused,"Why is that? Have you had other angels here before?"

"I mean, yeah, I have, but they all haven't lasted nearly as long with you. Not with as much eye contact as we've had," he says with his mouth full.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you see," he jumps off the counter, approaching me,"I've been trying to control you with my voodoo demon powers for the past ten minutes, but it's not working. It's like a brick wall." He smacks my forehead as if to prove his point.

"Ow!" I yelp, rubbing my forehead. He snorts, still staring at me. His eyes are a beautiful green, but I watch as they slowly become black. He has tattoos on his arms that are very noticeable and my gaze falls to them. Then, suddenly, his words settle into me. "Wait, you've been trying to control me for ten minutes?!" I slap his face. He looks shocked when I do it, but then he starts laughing, rubbing his cheek. He shakes his face like a dog shakes it's fur after it's gotten wet.

He starts cackling,"Wow! Holy fuck I didn't think you had that in you! Won't you get punished for that, Princess?"

"Of course not! One, there was a very good reason I slapped you. Two, you're a demon so that should be reason enough."

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