Give Me Back My Clothes!

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Topaz huffed as he slammed the closet door close, finding yet again that his favorite shirt and shorts were missing as well as a few hoodied and sweaters. He stomped out of his room and into his big sister, Sapphire's room.

At the sight of her casually reading a book while laying on her bed dressed in his clothes, he scowled. "Stop stealing my clothes!"

"Why?" She asks back blandly, shifting to face him. Now laying on her stomach rather than back.

"Because they're mine! And you never give them back so I have to steal them back from your room!" And it was driving him insane. Why should anyone have to steal their own clothes back from their sibling's room? Sapphire gives him an unimpressed look and rolls back onto her back, continuing to read her book. "Then take them back."

Topaz decides that he has had enough of Sapphire's sh*t and jumps onto the bed before crawling on top of her. His big sister doesn't once react and merely sends him another bland look, the ones she's been learning from their aunt he was sure.

"If you don't give them back to me, I'll tickle you."


"I'm serious."


"Big sis come on!! What's so good about my clothes anyway?!" He demands, finally ripping the book out of her hands and throwing it to the other side of the bed. Topaz realizes why she's been answering so shortly as he takes in the rarely red cheeks.

" feels comfortable and... reminds me of you..." it is at times like these that he wants to go outside and show off in front of the undeserving people who were trying to court his sister.

Hehe, the using one's partners clothing thing has been taken up by him.

Wait a second, he was trying to get his clothes back!!

"Stop distracting me!" He hissed out, tickling her sides. Sapphire yelped before squirming and laughing, batting his hands away. "N-oo! Stop!"

When she finally gets hold of his hands, Topaz decides to instead flop onto her—feeling a slight twinge of guilt at the resulting 'oof' because he knew that his sister's body is weak—and he demands yet again, "Give me back my clothes!"

"Geez, they're in the closet."

"Look, that was easy enough right?"

"Look, that was easy enough right?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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