"Listen Y/N, I know that I was a bit rude, but I hope our romantic lives can stay out of our professional lives tonight. I just want to play some good old minecraft." Fitz says, and I heavily sigh and read my chat briefly before responding.

"I suppose so, you aren't really my type anyways." I say with a huff as I send him the IP and add his friend request back. Both Carson and Fitz sigh fake sighs of relief as the three of us start to converse normally once again. Eventually, Fitz joins the server as well and I try to help him get settled on the server as well. The three of us peacefully play minecraft for another half an hour before Carson has another very serious question for me.

"Could I potentially invite some other people?" He asks as his minecraft character smacks me. I smack him back and hum loudly for a second, contemplating my response.

"Sure, just tell them that if they do anything bad I will ban them." I tell him and stretch a little, yawning quietly as I do. Not even a full minute later, a few other people join the server and I notice that it's Ted, Traves, Cooper, Schlatt, Noah and Slimecicle, all of which were a part of his newly created Lunch Club. I didn't say anything, but I had been watching their videos on that new channel and I really liked the content that all of them made. Seconds after they had all joined the server, I hear them joining the voice channel as well, starting with Ted who immediately consoles me for my loss on Fitz's dating show.

"Don't worry," He tells me as his minecraft character starts running up to the mine where Fitz and Carson were, "You'll find someone. Maybe not any time soon." We all laugh and then the boys get to introducing themselves to me briefly. Not even knowing that Schlatt had joined, I jumped a little upon hearing his voice as compared to Travis's much gentler sounding one.

"So I heard you didn't win either." He directs his comment to me, sounding a little salty. I laugh and give my stream camera a little eye roll before smirking.

"I made it farther than you did." I tell him with some fake salt in my voice as well. Everyone laughs a bit and Fitz breaks up our 'fight' before we continue with the minecrafting. I stay mostly quiet, not knowing what to say and also not wanting to make any lame jokes around them considering that they all had strong social media influences. We play minecraft for a bit before getting bored and we just end up talking instead.

"So, Y/N, how long have you been streaming?" Noah asks somewhat suddenly.

"Only about a year." I tell him in response.

"Damn, and you have almost a million views right now?" He asks me, clearly at least a little bit surprised. I hear some noises of approval and a few claps from the other guys in the channel as well before I respond.

"That's the benefit of having tits." I tell them with a laugh, finishing off a beer. My comment makes all of them laugh and we go back to normal conversation again. After another hour or so, I'm six beers deep and I'm finally starting to really feel comfortable with them.

We stream for another few hours before everyone starts leaving to go to bed. Eventually, it's just me Carson, and Jschlatt in the voice channel, even though none of us are streaming anymore. The three of us were chatting in peace about whatever when suddenly Carson brought up PAX, which was just about a month away.

"Y/N, you're going right?" Carson asks, switching gears from the previous conversation. I humm a little and sip some water before I respond.

"I don't know, I want to go but I need to do a face reveal before then." I say with a sigh. Both of the boys humm in response, knowing what I mean. Both of them had been through the same situation before, and it had turned out pretty good for them.

"Is it like a privacy thing or a self-conscious thing?" Schlatt asks me next. I have to sit and think for a second before I can respond.

"Mostly a self-conscious thing. Most of my friends already know about my channel and all that, so privacy isn't a huge deal." I say after a while, my sentence running on, sort of showing just how stressful this situation has been for me so far.

"If you really wanted you could just hang out with us at PAX and not even do a face reveal?" Carson suggests after another second. I run the idea through my head before responding to his suggestion.

"That could work." I say in a happier tone. "Anyways, I'm going to call it a night, thanks for the good stream guys." I tell them as I start to close all of my applications, they say their own goodbyes and I leave the discord call.

I clean up my desk space a bit and shut off my computer, deciding to take some time to calm my nerves before going to bed. Crossing the little hallway between my bedroom and the bathroom, I hop into the shower and stay there for what feels like an hour or two before my eyelids start to droop. 

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