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"I can't believe this!" I exclaimed. "You went out with someone else!" Cole pointed out.

"Okay, we never defined what we were," I said. "I didn't want this to be a casual thing," he told me.

"Right," I rolled my eyes. "I went to a party, so what?"

"You got drunk with another guy!"

"I didn't sleep with him!"

"You won't sleep with me!"

"You're pissed off because I don't want to have sex?!"

"No, I'm pissed off because you're still hung up on your ex boyfriend!"

I crossed my arms. "Excuse me?"

"I overheard you talking to Claire and Sophia, that you were emailing him," he grumbled.

"You're jealous of a guy who I broke up with over a year ago?!" I freaked out. "Look, I don't want to be with you if you're gonna be like this, I haven't seen him in ages."

"You emailed him!" Cole exclaimed.

"I still care about him," I told him. "Look, how about we end it?"



He left and I went into the kitchen.

"Good riddance," I muttered.


Cole and I dating was one of the worst ideas ever. I was in a crappy mood all weekend.

I came to the house to find Rory with Paris. "How are you?" Rory asked me. "Single," I told her.

"You guys broke up already?" Rory asked me.

"He's a putz, I have no time for putzes, he got jealous of Jess, a man who I have not seen in the flesh for a year!" I ranted. "Angry because I didn't want to sleep with him and that I hang out with other guys!"

So I was pissed at Cole. Rory was pissed at Logan and Paris was pissed at Doyle.

The three of us went to the opening of the museum and we were waiting for Lane.

"Hello," she grumbled. "What's up with you?" Rory asked her. "Stuff," she sighed.

We took some cups of Miss Patty's punch and sat in lawn chairs..putting all of our grievances on the table.

"He just flat out looked out of his face, right into my face and said to my face that he was lying!" Lane ranted.

"Wait Zack said he was lying?" I was confused.

"No!" Lane sighed. "He lied from his face into my face about where he was going. That's what hurts the most. The lie!"

"You'd think they'd stumble onto the truth," Paris slurred. "Just accidentally..like two plus two is four..that's like..MAN!"

"I KNOW!" Lane exclaimed. "They just have to repopulate, spread it around!"

"I bet they're doing that," Rory grumbled. "I bet Doyle's spreading it right now," Paris yelled.

"I'm getting to the bottom of this!" Lane insisted. "Spank him!" me and Paris advised her.

"Need the bathroom," Paris got up and ran. "Cole may have been right, but he was still a putz about everything. Dating was a bad idea."

"Have you ever punched a boyfriend in the face?" Rory asked me. "Yes, I did, it was Jess, he broke into my apartment."

"What?!" Rory gasped.

"Yeah, you ever thought about hitting Logan?" I asked her.

Rory suddenly burst into tears. "Rory?"

"Why doesn't he like me?" she sobbed. "He does, he'll realise it sooner or later, it's okay, I'm way more pathetic, I mean look, I can't get over one guy, I love Jess and no matter how hard I try to get over him, it never ever works, being in love has the good and the bad stuff."

I suddenly felt something rise. "Oh no!"

I ran to a nearby bush and emptied my guts out.

The world suddenly turned on its side and went dark.


I woke up in bed with a pounding headache. This was the third time this month I got drunk..I was ashamed of myself.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" Mom asked me. "Not really," I mumbled. "I'm sorry Mom."

"Oh sweetheart," Mom pulled me in close. "I'm a mess," I muttered. "I hate myself."

Mom pulled me into a hug and I started crying. "I wish I could take it all back."

"Take what back?" Mom asked him. "The break up, I wish I never broke up with him, I thought that I needed to be alone while in college, but I needed him," I cried.

My mom held me in her arms as I cried.

Touch of Hellfire (Original Version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon