Chapter 2

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Days had passed since the Lil Yardii show, Toga had been thinking about him for day, Jebecky was struggling to understand the attraction Toga had begun to feel toward Yardii as he had weird catch phrases and friends with big vape machines. Nevertheless Jebecky went along with it.

Luckily it was an early Monday morning, Jebecky and Toga were at school waiting to meet up with their friend Barbecued Beans so they could all walk to their second period class. As they waited, Toga's eyes were drawn to none other then Lil Yardii himself, she also caught his attention by simply standing next to Jebecky. Yardii decided to approach the two and begun a new conversation.

"Ahaha hey Toga, I didn't know we went to the same school, ahahah I'm, funny that we're both seniors huh." Jebecky gave Toga a look that screamed "What in the heck!" as Toga replied to Yardii. "Weww um, I do need my depwoma." Lil Yardii stroked his chin and nodded. "Ahaha, maybe we should uh, go take a selfie in the handicap bathroom ahaha." Toga nodded and they scurried off as Barbecued Beans finally appeared in front of Jebecky.

"Hey, who's Toga running off with?" Questioned Barbecued Beans. Jebecky chuckled "Toga's new cwush, he calls himself Lil Yardii". Beans furrowed her eyebrows as Toga returned to the group, greeting Beans and watching as Yardii walked back to his vaping friends.

The three had begun their walk to 2nd period as Jebecky and Toga told Barbecued Beans all about the show, from the winky wink wink, to the vapor boys and how Yardii got one of Toga's voice mails and used it in the beginning of a song. Barbecued Beans was concerned and weirded out, nonetheless, just like Jebecky, she went along with it.

Jebecky, Toga and Beans struggled in class buck luckily got through it, after class they all sat in the cafeteria on their phones. "Hey Toga, that small yard guy posted the selfie with you!" Beans exclaimed as Toga blushed and Jebecky laughed.

Soon enough, as expected Yardii and his vapor boys walked into the cafeteria together, all holding their vape machines and monster truck lunch boxes. Lil Yardii once again came up to the girls and stroked his chin. "Ahaha, did you see my insta post Toga?" Beans and Jebecky shot each other smirks. "I suwe did, we wooked good, I think the bwack in my eyes compwemented youwe phone case!" Toga blushed. "Ahaha" said Yardii before walking back to the vapor boys.

"Um, Toga, why did you just have a speech impediment?" Barbecued Beans asked. "I don't know what youwe tawking about Bawbecued Beans!!!"

Barbecued Beabs shrugged and chuckled with Jebecky as Toga smiled at the new text Lil Yardii just sent her.

...To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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