Stupid Doesn't Look Good On You

Start from the beginning

"Can I get Starbucks?" Talon requests.

"Yes, baby. We will get Starbucks." I chuckle. The boy sure loves coffee.

We exit the car at the mall and I wrap my arms around Talon's waist. We grab our coffee and head into the stores we need to visit. We pick up four shirts, the necklace and charm, a bad ass laptop and the new COD: Warzone. I don't see why Lyle wants it on PC instead of the PS4 but, I don't judge.

Talon drags me into the baby store. We stock up on small things that won't effect the baby shower my mom has been planning. It was exciting buying something for our new edition.

We hurry along when we realize it's lunch time. We need to head home and start helping with the bon fire. Talon begs for Chinese food and I completely allow it. He gets egg rolls, low mein and sweet & sour chicken. I just eat some of his since he decided to over order.

On the way home, we stop outside the pack territory to let him empty his lunch in the grass. It's pretty pointless to feed him. But, I. Am. NOT. Dealing with a hangry mate.

Fuck. That.

We pull up and Talon goes up stairs to wrap the gifts. I go outside and start carrying kindle for the fire. Lutz sets up tables. Jace sets up the grills.

I notice the packs start arriving around four. The day has already run away from us. I haven't seen Lyle. I assume he is at home getting ready.

Talon comes outside looking like a rock star. I literally drool. The man is a fine piece of ass. My piece.

I quickly scoop him into my arms and lock our lips. We get hot and heavy with making out. My Dad clears his throat. Having no shame, I barely look away from my mate who I pinned against the picnic table.

"That's how you got a pup on the way." My Dad chides.

"Actually, I was on my knees." Talon chirps.

My Dad guffaws a deep laugh.

"Keep it PG." My Dad warns.

I pull Talon up into my arms and kiss his plump lips. "Later." I whisper.

Talon kisses me three more times before he swats my ass and tells me to get ready. I run off towards the suite. I shower and pull on my black jeans and a white t-shirt. I slip on my leather jacket and lace up my boots.

I waltz back outside feeling like a million bucks.

Judging by the sexy bedroom eyes Talon gives me, I'm spot on.

"I want you." Talon says as he wraps his hands around my biceps and leans in. He inhales my scent and purrs into my back. I feel his lips attach and I don't bother pulling him off when he starts sucking hickeys on to my neck. I pick him up and let him wrap his legs around my waist. I carry him through the growing crowd to take our place on stage.

"Done?" I ask with a smirk.

"Yep. Now everyone knows you're mine." Talon smirks as he pulls back and looks at me.

"Because I don't wear your Mark proudly on my neck already." I chuckle.

"Never can be too sure." Talon laughs.

"You're lucky I like wearing your marks." I kiss his nose before he slides down my legs and stands beside me.

We look over the crowd and see almost everyone is here. I will give it a few minutes before I mind link Lyle to get his ass in gear.

Just as I think that, the birthday boy takes his seat to my left. I smile encouragingly at him.

"You ready?" I ask my Warrior.

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