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"I felt so damn guilty. Every morning, I brought her breakfast in bed. Every night I bathed her. I took time to cherish the two people in my life that I was so close to losing." Dad finishes.

"How did you get over the guilt?" I ask.

"I realized that carrying that burden would only make your mom hurt worse. She would see and feel my guilt and in turn blame herself. I couldn't allow that. So, what I am saying to you is this. Let it go. Move on. Do better. You haven't ever had a mate. You have never expected a pup. Hell, you haven't even been around the torrential tornado we call hormones. Let it go, Elsa." My Dad laughs and I join in with him.

The door cracks open and a smaller body climbs into my lap. I wrap my arms around Talon and kiss him gently.

My dad excuses himself and leaves me with a barely awake mate.

"Feel any better?" I ask my love.

"Hungry." Talon whispers as he drapes his limp arms over my shoulders. I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on top of his head.

"I know I apologized already. I just want you to know, I will do better." I promise my baby.

"We're learning Rem. I understand." Talon yawns into my shoulder.

I chuckle while standing up. I walk into the pack house and quietly close the door behind me. I join everyone at the table and sit down with Talon in my lap.

I rub his back as our plates are set down in front of me. I thank Mrs. Williams. She bends over and kisses both me and Talon on the forehead.

When Talon smells tacos, he immediately becomes alert and turns to face the table.

"Eat up, sweetheart. Please." I whisper.

Talon nods and starts eating his lunch slowly. He doesn't speak. His mouth is occupied with food.

"How are you feeling Lloyd?" I ask.

"Tired. Hungry. My stomach feels tight." Lloyd yawns and I laugh.

"Seems to be the going rate." Jace confirms as he rubs Ally's back.

"I could do with a little more sleep." Ally nods as she picks up her coke and empties it.

Jace stands and grabs another can before returning to the table and opening it for his mate.

"I hope you guys are doing better than me." Lutz groans.

Lloyd giggles and I smirk.

"Trouble?" I ask knowingly.

"Let's just say I'm wasn't prepared for the hormones." Lutz kisses Lloyd's cheek.

"Don't badger yourself babe. I said it was okay." Lloyd rubs his hand over Lutz and they intertwine their fingers.

"What did you do?" Jace asks.

"Well, I was tired. So I um, fell asleep." Lutz rubs the back of his head and Lloyd blushes.

"Where's the problem?" Jace asks.

"I was horny. This fucker fell asleep while I was giving him head." Lloyd barks up.

The table erupts in laughter.

"Yeah, I did. Lloyd cries hysterically because he thought he did a bad job and I was bored. But, I was just tired from two training sessions in one day." Lutz excuses himself.

"Well, how about we take it back to once a day for everyone. We have more important things to take care of aside from restitution. You all apologized. Let's just drop that part of the punishment." My Dad offers.

In His Hands (BxB)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang