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"Come on you're making me look bad here!" Claire freaked out.

Claire was in charge of directing this time but Mike was a bit of a layabout.

"Alright take five!" she ordered, sick of everyone.

She walked out to get some coffee while the rest of us were just sitting there, waiting for Her Grumpiness to come back.

"Couldn't they just send Mike to Cornell or something?" Cole groaned. "Or at least give us a better freshman."

"True," I chuckled. "Anyway, are you free this weekend?"

"You asking me out Gilmore?" Cole smiled. "To a wedding of sorts, will you be my date? I'll be one of two girls in a suit," I smirked.

"Then yes, I accept," he said to me.



Rory tossed me the Hershey's syrup for my pancakes. "You bringing Logan?" I asked Rory. "Uh..I don't know," she mumbled. "Are you bringing Cole?"

"I am," I said to her.

Rory and I started eating powdered mini donuts with our pancakes. "So good," we moaned.

"Why is my mother coming over!" Mom sighed loudly. "Because she hates you," me and Rory joked.

Grandma arrived at our house to get her outfit for the big day fixed. Meaning there was a couple of beads loose.

"Could you get me some wine or something Lorelai?" she asked her.

"This is a bachelorette party," I whispered to Rory. And Grandpa's call confirmed that.

And five, four, three, two, bachelorette party. I dragged Tessa here and Rory dragged Lane along.

"The party's going to be so big!" Grandma announced. "How drunk is she?" Tessa asked me. "Pissed," I answered her. "Anyway this one has been hiding something," Tessa told Rory pointing to me.

"What?" Rory asked her. "I borrowed her computer to email something and suddenly I see something," Tessa started off. She looked at me. "Back and forth emails between this hellspawn and one Jess Mariano."

"You went through my emails?!" I gasped. Rory had a big dopey smile on her face. "No! Stop that!" I scolded her.

"When did you start emailing?" Rory asked me. "A couple of weeks ago but it was all accidental," I muttered. "Nothing is happening!"

The night ended with Mom rearranging Grandma's seating chart. I had a peek and my eyes widened. Rory was asleep in my room and I ran and jumped on top of her. "Logan's gonna be at the wedding!" I squealed and the two of us rolled off the bed.

"What?" Rory groaned in pain. "I saw his name on the seating chart," I smirked. "He's going to be there?!" Rory gasped.


"Go time! Go time!" Mom yelled. Me and Rory had our suits ready.

We ran to our cars and drove to the Windsor Club. "Please don't be here, please don't be here," Mom muttered.

"Hello girls," Grandpa greeted us. "That stupid wedding planner!" Grandma ranted. "My seating chart is a mess!"

Mom bit her lip and turned red. We all knew who was responsible. "I had to redo the stupid chart."

"Oh Emily!" Marilyn came rushing over. "The flowers are ready!"

She took one look at us and threw the fake compliments. Divine, nice skin, same old, same old.

Me and Rory ran off to get changed. "I can't tie a tie," I admitted. "You can't?!" Rory gasped. "The Chilton one, yes, this one, no," I grumbled.

Once I was in my suit, Rory did my tie for me. "Thank you," I said and we did each other's hair. I had a crowned braid and a bun, whereas Rory's bun was a little messier than mine.

We stood on the altar to see Mom walk down as the maid of honour. My eyes caught Logan's and I gave him a small smirk. "Your husband is over there," I teased Rory in a low voice.

"Your mistress is over there," Rory clapped back. "Mistress?" I frowned. "Because Jess is your husband," she smirked. "Oh give over!" I rolled my eyes.

As the reverend went through with his bit, I spotted someone walking in. "Oh shit," I whispered. "What?" Rory whispered to me.

"Dad's here, there's gonna be trouble," I muttered.


"What table are we?" Rory asked me as we wandered around. "Five," I said.

Her eyes widened and she hid behind the pillar. "Okay why?" I asked the question everyone was thinking.

Rory suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the pillar with her. "Okay, are you alright? In the head?" I wondered.

"I like Logan," she told me. "I know you like him," I said. "If it makes you feel better I like him more than Dean."

"You didn't like Dean?" Rory asked me. "Ever since the 'paranoia of the Jess kind' began," I confessed. "You could've said something," Rory mumbled. "But Logan is a nice guy, in my opinion," I mumbled. "When I was working his dad's party he came over and talked to me for a half an hour and surprisingly, not one pick up line was thrown my way."

"Oh," Rory mumbled. "Pick up lines are so lame," I stated. "Agreed," Rory nodded.

We sat down at our table and watched Grandma and Grandpa dance together and me and Rory swayed to the music together.

"Hey, can you dance with me?" Rory asked me. "Yeah, Cole can't dance anyway," I laughed and the two of us got up.

"Hold on, do you have a trust fund?" Rory asked me. "Haha, good one," I giggled and the two of us danced together.

"Stand on my foot, you're dead," I said. Once the music turned slow we froze. "Yeah, I ain't slow dancing," I muttered. "Me neither," we both left the dance floor and I went over to Cole. "Sorry I abandoned you," I mumbled. "Wanna go somewhere?"

I looked at Rory and Logan dancing and a big smile grew on my face. I went off with Cole into a room. "So," I muttered. "So," he replied.

I let all my impulses take over and I kissed him. He looked a little stunned but he smiled and pulled me in again.

I shouldn't feel guilty for kissing someone else..should I? I know Cole is a year older than me but I like him, I can't stay hung up on Jess forever.

The door burst open and me and Cole leapt apart. I was too far inside my head, I didn't notice that I was unbuttoning his shirt, or that my tie and blazer were on the ground.

"Mom?" I gasped. "Oh, not you too!" she groaned. "Heather, just because you're at a wedding, doesn't mean you hook up with boys!"


"Who the hell is he?!" Dad freaked out. "Get away from her! I will kill you!"

Mom dragged Dad out of the room. "Jesus Christ!" Cole sighed.

"Get your hands off her!" Luke burst in and Mom dragged him out. "Sorry," I mumbled.

Mom shut herself into the room. "What's going on with Dad and Luke?" I asked Mom. "I will deal with it," she promised me. "Go downstairs the back way, your sister and Logan are down there.

I rushed down the stairs. "You too huh?" Rory asked me. We fixed each other's appearance before standing beside Grandpa.

Touch of Hellfire (Original Version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz