" 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 " - 𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒊 𝒙 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒖

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Author's POV

" It's over ! It's finally over ! " Endou mumbled while walking to the hospital .
The " aliens " were finally stopped and now he wanted to take a break . He would never stop playing soccer , never , but those past weeks were really exhausting and now he wanted a break for a few days . But of course , the first thing that he wanted to do was to visit Aphrodi .

He knew that the golden haired boy was going to ask him a whole bunch of questions about his last matches and he also knew he couldn't stop him , but Endou had his own questions for the greek god .

Aphrodi and him didn't had much time to talk about anything really because they were busy training , after all , the " aliens " were powerful . But Endou was curious about a lot of things , mostly about the Zeus team and what happened after Football Frontier was over .

As he was walking to the red eyed boy's room he couldn't stop thinking about what he was going to say to him . " Hey Aphrodi , how do you feel ? " could be one of the phrases but it was too basic for him .

" Have you seen the last match between us and Genesis ? " , no , he couldn't ask that . Aphrodi was hospitalized because of Chaos and he probably didn't wanted to talk about soccer .

Endou didn't even realized he was in front of Aphrodi's room until he read the name written next to the door . Afuro Terumi .
He never presented himself that way so Endou never actually knew his name until that day , when he went to the receptionist and asked about Aphrodi . Fortunately the woman was actually a soccer fan and after he mentioned that Aphrodi was playing soccer she immediately told him his room .
Now he was wondering if Aphrodi was a nickname he had from Kageyama Reiji , why does he still keep it if it's that so ?

He then took a deep breathe and knocked on the door , it was no point of thinking about this without actually talking with his golden haired friend . After a " Yes ? " was mumbled he went inside .

Aphrodi was sitting on the bed , wearing some peach colored pijamas . That's at least what Endou saw first . When he looked up he realized that Aphrodi's hair was tied up in a ponytail and Endou couldn't help but smile . He had never seen Aphrodi's hair that way .

- Don't smile at me like this ! Aphrodi noticed Endou's rather innocent smile and he couldn't help but blush slightly without letting Endou see that .

- Forgive me , forgive me ! Endou giggled and sat on the chair next to his bed . How are you feeling anyway ?

Aphrodi started playing with his hair without noticing , but Endou did and he smiled softly .

- I'm good , surprised that you came to visit after all the things with the Aliea Academy happened .

- Of course I would visit you! Endou frowned while looking at him . He was his friend after all and Endou would ALWAYS be there for his friends .

   Aphrodi looked shocked , he never knew Endou could be mad . Well , he wasn't exactly mad but more revolted . He didn't mean to upset him and now he didn't know how to act .
   The problem is that Aphrodi always knows how to act , even if it means he needs to get into his god mode . But this definitely wasn't the right moment .
   Somehow Endou realized that he left the forward speechless and softened his face .

- How are you wounds ? He changed the subject and Aphrodi was grateful for that . They both smiled .

- Almost healed , it wasn't a big deal anyway . I'm just sorry I couldn't help you more .

- You did more than you could have imagined . Fubuki is now himself , part of this because of you .

Aphrodi smiled , he was happy he did something good for once .

- Can I ask you a few questions ? Endou mumbled , looking at the window . It was gonna be embarrassing but he was curious !

- Sure , anything . Aphrodi answered , raising one of his eyebrows .

Endou took a deep breathe and then asked all at once :


Aphrodi was a little taken by surprise but smiled . He understood why Endou wanted to know the answers to all of those questions and if answering them meant that the goalkeeper would stay with him a little longer then he had nothing to loose .

- Zeus was a team created before Kageyama Reiji came into my life . Not all of the players you saw at Football Frontier were there before , some of them were brought by Kageyama . Still , some of them are my childhood friends , or that's what I like to believe . Me , Atena , Hera and Hepai were always interested in greek mythology so in primary school people started calling us nicknames based on that .

Endou looked at Aphrodi's long hair while he was explaining . He looked beautiful .

- When we started high school and Kageyama met us , he started taking members of the team and bringing others . Then he noticed our nicknames and told the others to match with us . It was our thing but he wanted it for all of the members . But that wasn't the only thing he started doing . He would make us read Homer or other greek authors , saying that we should behave like the greek gods . I didn't mind but the new members were confused and he asked me to show them how they should behave . So I created God Knows and they started acting like Kageyama wanted , arrogant and superior . I thought it worked but I never understood why Kageyama wanted this .

- While I was developing Heaven's Time he started telling us about some water that the greek gods were drinking . He said it wasn't something we would find in books . We never questioned anything .

Aphrodi looked down , he was holding the sheets with his hands , he was ashamed and he felt stupid for believing him . All of him .

- Aphrodi ... Endou bit his lips , he never saw Aphrodi that way .

- I did a mistake , we all have . We were blinded by what we were seeing , by his lies and promises . That we would became gods , that we would be praised and loved . In the day with the match he doubled our Aqua of the Gods dose . When you got up , again and again and again I lost all the control I had . You know what happened ... His voice almost cracked .

Aphrodi took a deep breathe and smiled softly , he looked heavenward .

- When the match was over we were hospitalized for a few weeks because apparently the water wasn't as divine as we thought . It was full of drugs and chemicals , who would have known ?

Endou's eyes widened , he couldn't believe Kageyama would do such thing to some kids . He put them in danger , he put a lot of people in danger and for what? He wanted to destroy soccer , he wanted to destroy everything he loved .

- Thank you for sharing this with me ... It must have been hard . Endou looked at Aphrodi and touched his hand .

- You are the one who saved me , who saved us , I owe you . The golden haired boy smiled .

He knew he was no longer alone .

- You didn't answered my last question . Why you never told me your name ? Endou didn't wanted this to be over .

Aphrodi laughed gently .

- It was actually your second question . It's because you never asked , Endou-kun ! He raised one eyebrow and smirked at him .

- At least now I know it , Afuro-kun ! Endou returned his smirk and he could've sweared that Aphrodi blushed slightly .

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