The beginning...

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Freshly baked pancakes smelled throughout the house as Tyrell made his  way to the kitchen. He found his mother  busy preparing breakfast.

"Good morning yummy lady," said Tyrell as he planted a kiss on his mother's cheeks.

"hey! back off, she is mine" teased his father and they all laughed. That's what Tyrell loved about his parents that after so many years of being married to each other they are still in love with each other. And what he craved for a love like his parents.

Michiyo's sudden appearance in their kitchen doorway brought Tyrell out of his thoughts. She looked at the McCoys and smiled. She always wished her family was as close as the McCoys, they loved each other and always made time for each other. 

Her mother was obsessed with looks so much she changed her every month and her dad, well, he always had a business trip more important than spending time with them.

 "You are here early. Just wait a few minutes and we can go-" said Tyrell.

"I'm here to say goodbye" said Michiyo.

The McCoys were all shocked by Michiyo's words. "Is this about your expulsion? I know what you did was wrong, but this is a bit too extreme,"said Mr Mccoy.

" I can talk to your mother, try and convince her," said Mrs McCoy.

"It was my father's decision," said Michiyo, trying to fight off tears. They all went silent because they all know that no-one questions her Father. 

Mrs McCoy rushed over to Michiyo and hugged her. As much as she tried to be tough, Mrs McCoy's warm embrace felt so good she had to let go.

In all his life, Tyrell had never seen Michiyo cry. He cried the most and Michiyo did the comforting.

She finally slipped out of the embrace and looked at Caleb who said nothing since her announcement. "I just came to say goodbye and hug the f*** out of you guys" she said and chuckled as she wiped her tears away.

"Ty? she moved closer to him until she was face-to-face with him. "Mr tough-guy, I thought you would cry before," she said teasingly.

"i love you and I'll miss you." he said, and a little tear rolls down his cheek.

she smiled.

Later the same day, Michiyo's chauffeur drops her at the airport. Her mother did not even say goodbye or accompany her at the airport. She wasn't surprised at all.

As  she made her way through the entrance she smiled as she saw Tyrell's face. It was unexpected but she couldn't complain, at least one good thing happened she thought to herself.

"Hey, don't tell me you came to confess your undying love for  me" she teased, but he didn't laugh to her joke.He looked hella nervous and she could sense it.

"What's up Ty?"she demanded.

"um um I..I" he stuttered.

Then he closed his eyes and said "I actually came to do that. I've loved you since i met you. when you gave me my  first kiss, I knew I wanted to kiss you  for the rest of my life. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. I knew you liked me as a friend, but part of me wished you would see and love me as a boyfriend. And um I know it's too late now but it's like you say better late than never."

He opened his eyes and did definitely not expect her to smile.

"I knew" she smiled, got up kissed him on his forehead and walked to the gate, without once looking back.

Not knowing if he should feel relieved, happy or disappointed, he sat with his head in his hand.

And that was the last time he saw her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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