"Yeah, the losers club." I reassure.

"Ironic isn't it?"

"What is?"

"The name. They call themselves losers yet they've been the most popular group since seventh grade. Richie and his little exclusive group. Why are you hanging out with them?" She both explains and questions. I answer, "Bill is my peer counselor and he introduced me to his friends."

She sighs, "Bill. He's one of the good ones, I suppose. Well, I mean good-ish." "Ish?" I question.

"Bill and I used to be close. He swore he was a good guy. I believed him. I mean he is a good guy, but, even good guys make mistakes. Let's just say we haven't really been close since."

Before I could even prosper the thought I saw Bill enter my classroom, ready to pick me up and bring me to my next class. French.

"It was nice meeting you, Cassie." I smile. "You too, new kid." She says as I approach Bill.

As we walk to the classroom I strike conversation by asking, "Bill, you know Cassie right? How is she?"

At first, he was flustered by the question. His face read almost as if he had heard the name of an old colleague after almost twenty years.

He begins, "Um, she's a-alright I s-suppose. We used to d-date, but I ch-cheated on her with Bev so we don't r-really talk any m-m-more." I nod, "Oh, okay."

And before I knew it we were here.

The second I walk in I notice Richie Tozier. Four jocks and three girls surround him as he sits on top of a desk, being center of attention.

Almost as if he knew I was looking at him, he looks over my way and yells, "Hola, Eddie Spaghetti! We have this class together, huh?!"

He leaves the now confused crowd to themselves and makes his way over to me.

I half-joke, "You just spoke three different languages in the two sentences you said to me and none of those languages were French. And we are in French class, aren't we?"

"Well, then let me fix that. Allow me to begin again."

He clears his throat and continues, "Hola, Spanish. Eddie Spaghetti, Italian. We have this class together, English, duh. French fries! There now you have the French"

I chuckle, "Why are you even taking French two? You're way beyond this class, you're practically fluent!" He jokes, "That's what I'm saying!"

He sits at the desk behind me which is in between two of the jocks he was talking to, and in front of one of the girls.

Throughout the entire class Richie would make jokes that everyone would fall in love with. He was definitely the class clown. There were a few jokes that even I, a person who tends to try to stay serious, bursted at.

When Bill walked in to pick me up the majority of the class started calling his name saying hi.

I don't know what I was getting into talking with the extremely close circled popular kids, but it wasn't me. Wasn't me at all. But for some reason it didn't really matter at the moment. I didn't think of the damage it could possibly bring, I enjoyed talking to Bill, standing with them this morning, and especially talking to Richie.

Instead of dreading lunch, which I assumed I would, considering the fact that I was new, I was excited and couldn't wait to get through my first four classes to pass so I could enter the adventures that are lunch.

"W-we eat by R-R-Richie's car." Bill explained as we made our way towards Richie's truck.

"Guys it's the first day of school and I already hate math!" Beverly complained. Ben comforts, "You'll get the hang of it Bev." Bill suggests, "I t-took Algebra Two last year s-so if you want I can tutor you." "Sure, by tutor you mean bang bang, am I right Billy boy?" Richie jokes. "Shutup Richie, you know that was a one time thing between them." Stanley commented.

I enjoyed watching all of them banter, even if I didn't get most of the conversation.

"Have you made any friends yet, Eddie?" Mike asks. I acknowledge, "Kind of. You know that girl, Cassie?"

Bill warns, "Don't bring up Cassie, she used to be in our g-group but-" "But someone was an asshole and cheated on her." Stanley interrupted.

"D-don't call me an asshole y-you jew! Besides, at least it w-wasn't with some random b-b-bimbo." Bill defends himself. Richie jokes, "Yeah, it was with our friend bimbo." Beverley rolls her eyes, "Oh shut up! I mean Cassie was cool, I miss having another girl in the group. But she'd never forgive me, even though I was her best friend."

Stan agrees, "I miss her around too." "How come?" I question. Richie answers for him, "Stan the man thinks she's hot. He's always wanted to bang her even when Bill was dating her. I mean a lot of people would probably agree with you Stan, have you seen her jugs?" "Not funny." Stanley says, not amused.

"After school let's all head down to the quarry for some drinking and swimming." Mike announces. Ben asks, "I'm down! You gonna come along, Eddie?"

Before I could even answer Richie smiles, "Of course Edds is coming, you have to!"

I knew my mother wouldn't want me to go swimming, and more importantly, drinking with a bunch of people I just met but I couldn't say no to the offer. Besides, thee Richie Tozier wanted me to come hang out with him and his exclusive group of friends.

"Sure, I'd love to come." I smile.

Richie beams, "Awesome! Just drive over there right after school."

"Oh, um, I don't have a, a car." I stutter, embarrassed. "I'll drive you there." Beverly smiles. "Thank you, Bev." I thank.

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